[b]Hunter![/b] [@Destinyfailhorror17] Hunter went outside to see how David was handling the dumpster, Though when he got outside he heard David loud and clear. He was pissed, really pissed. He decided it was best to take an alternate route and avoid David for now. He went around one of the buildings and he saw Iyo, drunk out of his mind. "[color=00aeef]I thought that kid made it home. Then again...he's really drunk.[/color]" Hunter walked over to Iyo and grabbed him by his shoulders. "[color=00aeef]Hey, Iyo, Can you hear me? And if so can you understand me enough to tell me where you live.[/color]" He hoped Iyo was at least sober enough to guide Hunter back to his home, Though if not the couch wasn't on fire yet so he could sleep there if need be. [b]David![/b] avid was pissed, pissed beyond pissed! When he found Hunter he was going to beat the living crap out of him. For now he needed to get the smell of garbage off him. He smelled like a dump truck that crashed in a manure plant then caught fire. He made his way back to his dorm and cleaned himself off, He was sick of the smell, he was sick of Hunter. The war had begun, and Sparky planned on Finishing it.