[@AbigailTenshi][@LokiLeo789] Placing the communicator back into her pocket Koyo looked back to her fellow shinigami before taking a big breath, signaling that she was thankful that the captain did not decide to chew them out right away. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"She told us to report to squad four, well at least I am meant too. She will meet us there, there are people coming to replace us so don't worry about leaving the town undefended" [/b][/i][/color]She knew he was not really hurt right now but orders were orders, and she felt kind of bad that he had to head back because of her... Koyo-Shi peered down to the floor for a moment, her fingers tapping against the side of her sword [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Umm... Could you... You know; open the door for us?"[/b][/i][/color] Sure she was hurt but she had to be honest she was not the best at doing such things, even blushing as she could not really do the task herself. After taking the doorway home Koyo would head straight anyone in squad four, who would thankfully take her to be treated at their barracks. It was strange, she should have been feeling pain from the wound and yet unlike before there was nothing, no pain or discomfort and yet instinct stopped her from placing weight onto it. She suspected it was just a delayed combat high, after all she was being patched up now so it likely meant little.