I made an alien. I don't know if you guys had any extraterrestrial life in mind or not, but I figured I'd give it a shot. Let me know if there's anything I should change. [b]Name:[/b] Kail "Cal" Ingiric [b]Alias:[/b] Variant [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Kail is a member of species from several galaxies away. That said, he has a few cultural differences from your typical human. His species is collectively the wet blanket for an entire planetary system. The Narikitan, as they are called, are peacekeepers. They have been known to invade entire planets for the soul purpose of ending some raging war there. With that in mind, Kail still harbors much of that pacifist nature. He doesn't particularly like violence or fighting, but after a few years on Earth, he's come to learn that it sometimes can't be avoided. He is a very mild mannered creature, despite his appearance. Kail does his best to be polite to new people, help those who need it, and generally just be a huge pushover. Kail is very kind and generous, particularly is people treat him the same way. He can get a bit pissy when someone is being rude or acting otherwise uncalled for. [b]Equipment:[/b] He has a few toys left over from his crash site, but most of it is junk that doesn't work. He doesn't really own any weapons. [b]Power/Special Skill:[/b] His 'powers' are all things that are common among his species. He is very intelligent, having a knack for picking up languages and tinkering with devices. His two sets of arms come in handy. The upper set is twice as strong as the average human, while the lower set is just about on par. His complex jaw and vocal cords allow him to mimic sounds with uncanny accuracy. This come in handy while trying to learn all those pesky human words. His main power is shape shifting. The name "Narikitan" translator to English literally means "variation". His species is capable of taking on the form of any other species once they have come into physical contact with them. However, they are only able to turn into an exact clone of the creature they touched, including whatever mutations or deformities that specific creature has. [b]Appearance:[/b] In his default form, Kail appears to be a half mammalian, half insect creature. He is covered in short, grey and white fuzz, with several parts of his body sporting carapace-like armor. He stands at almost 7 feet tall, with two sets of arms and a large, flexible tail. His mouth is likely his most unsettling aspect. Kail has a three part jaw. The upper half separates outward, and the bottom jaw moves up and down. Typically, when he speaks human language, the upper set moves together while the lower jaw moves. When he switches to his own native tongue, or any other alien language he may speak, its a different story. [hider=Kail][img]http://i.imgur.com/v1v7bqd.jpg?1[/img][/hider] He took his human form, "Cal", from a man he happened to find asleep in his car outside of a bar. He appears as a 20 something year old Caucasian male with olive tone skin, curly reddish brown hair, and brown eyes. [hider="Cal"][img]http://i.imgur.com/IIufLlk.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Backstory: Kail came from a planet and species that seemed to dedicate itself to keep peace in its galaxy. Most of the time they did a pretty good job at playing the mediator between waring planets, but there were always those few extremists who took things too far. But let's not talk about them. Several decades ago, Kail's galaxy came under attack by a race no one had ever seen nor heard of before. The invaders were violent, destructive, and hellbent on conquering. Naturally, the Narikitan moved in to settle the fighting. However, their efforts were not met kindly. After years of war with these monsters, their planetary system was all but torn apart. The species that didn't bow to the invaders were enslaved, and the ones that did were drafted to fight future wars. Kail was born into this war. When he was still a teenager, him and his parents were taken onto a slave ship and flown halfway across the universe to be sold. His father, who was the son of one of his species past leaders, decided that he wasn't going to have it. When they arrived at their destination, Kail's father turned and attacked his slavers. A riot broke out, which resulted in Kail's mother being gravely injured. His father and him managed to get back onto the ship and fly it away from the slave planet. They lived on the run for several years. Eventually, Kail's father died from medical complications, leaving Kail to wander the universe on his own. When he was 23, he happened upon the little blue and white marble that was Earth. While pondering whether he should stop and re-supply his ship, Kail was caught in an meteor shower that resulted in his ship getting damaged and pulled down into the Earth's gravity. The ship crash landed miles outside of the city where he now lives. Kail managed to make it out okay, and upon going to search for help, he quickly discovered that the inhabitants of this planet weren't too keen on visitors. Nor did they have any form of public space travel. It looked like he would be stuck here for a while, so he quietly adopted a new form and integrated into human society. After a few years on Earth, Kail has gotten fairly used to his new life. He decided that living here wouldn't be too awful bad. Slavers wouldn't find him for sure, the species was (relatively) peaceful, and Earth was just [i]pretty[/i]. He took on the human name "Cal", and now works at a human coffee shop full time to pay for his human apartment.