Javotte gracefully accepted the offer to lead her. He woman's hand was hot on her arm, yet it was another anchor. A tie to this place in the blackness. The young woman surreptitiously checked the cloth that covered her disfigurement. Satisfied it was in place and wouldn't move, she turned her attention to counting. Javotte counted steps as they walked. Counted how many until the ground changed. How many until a door, a turn, a new voice. She placed smells with certain voices and the feel of wood under her feet. Kitchen. The food didn't smell quite the same, but she was beginning to truly comprehend what Cinderella's Fairy Godmother had meant by a different world. The task of finding her wayward sister was suddenly daunting. It had seemed so easy in the cool darkness. But now, in this strange place, Javotte knew her task would be no simple thing. The woman leading her kept a firm pressure on her arm. The awkwardness of having to ask the woman to stop was the only thing that kept Javotte walking. [color=Khaki]“Madame Belle, we have company.”[/color] Javotte felt the woman slow and stop and followed suit. By the way the voice echoed she knew they were in a large room. Perhaps the dining hall. If this Belle was the Mistress of the castle it would make sense. [color=Crimson]“Adam?”[/color] [color=Khaki]“No Madame, he isn’t back yet.’[/color] Javotte fixed the voice into her mind. Madam Belle. Mistress of the Castle. And Adam must be either her lover or she hopes he will be. That would make Belle unmarried. After all, who thinks of their husband as company? Belle must be very wealthy to own such a large home. And filled with so many servants! Javotte's family was never so rich, but it felt almost like Cinderella's castle. There was the soft sound of a chair moving. Foot steps neared and Belle touched Javotte's hand. [color=Crimson]“Welcome to our castle, Madame. I am the Mistress, however please do call me Belle.”[/color] "[color=7bcdc8]Thank you, Belle. I am Javotte DuPonte.[/color]" [color=Crimson]“You are having Elaina prepare a breakfast for our lovely guest yes? Wonderful, please do have a seat.”[/color] If Javotte still had eyes should would have blinked. Belle obviously addressed the first to the woman escorting her, the Kindly woman. For she dropped Javotte's arm and moved off. The touch that replaced hers was cooler. Belle's. Javotte reached a hold of a chair and gave her thanks. "[color=7bcdc8]I am sorry for intruding. I didn't mean to.[/color]" Javotte made a face. "[color=7bcdc8]I... [/color]" Javotte paused. How does one explain they had been deposited in their garden by their sister's Fairy Godmother? Do they even have faeries here. Or magic for that matter? Perhaps they'd think her mad. "[color=7bcdc8]Well,[/color]" She began again then sighed unhappily. "[color=7bcdc8]I'm looking for my sister.[/color]" She finally settled upon.