[center][h1][color=gold]Hasushi-bano, Ushibano'o The Six Lord-Swords of the Sun[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=gold][h3]Dominions:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]Honor, Duty, and the Sun.[/color] [hider=Hasushi-bano][img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/001-hot-concept-art-jayli_zpsexrmkilp.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Ushibano'o][img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/52dcb311c104bfca24fcb6a5ffc3473c_zpsykie0bdt.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=gold][h3]Appearance:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The Six Lord-Swords of the Sun, the Hakabi, are weapons of immense creation, whilst on display their edges glow with power, the sharpness of the blade seeming able to pierce even the air around it whilst stationary. The handle of each sword is unique, going from intricate ornaments such as silk and high quality wool- to unique handles made out of a small metal ingot decorated with unknown kinds of runic carvings. Each blade is unique, each blade holds it's own personality and worst of all: each blade holds it's own morality and feelings- and hatred. The blades personality is displayed by the appearance of the blade itself- the lenght, the sharpness, the appearance, the bending, all this plays an important role in the blades personality. When three or more swords are gathered together in the same immediate vicinity, the swords unite their personalities into one deific entity which wields them, this entity is known as Hasushi-bano. Hasushi-bano is a union of three or four of these god-swords, the Hasushi-bano holds the quality and appearance based on the features of the swords that summoned him. The Ushibano'o is the ultimate entity which can be crafted by these swords, being a union of 5 swords, the Ushibano'o is the most powerful form of that these swords can craft, however, there has never been a 6 sword union before. The Ushibano'o is clad in a Hassai soldier's armor, however it is twisted to appear far more magnificent and lordly- Ushibano'o is known as The Ussai Lord, the Sun King.[/color] [color=gold][h3]Personality:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The Hakabi is the name of the entire collection of these Lord-Swords, each sword holds it's own personality, and the Hasushi-bano holds it's own unique traits, same with the Ushibano'o. This section will be used to describe the unique traits of each sword, as well as the few unique traits of the Ushibano'o and the Hasushi-bano. Bear in mind that the traits of each sword are added to the tratis of the summoned deity. [i]The Hurano:[/i] This sword is known as the Iron Sword, it holds a fiery hatred of any thing living, it is known as the Sword of Hatred. [i]The Assaki:[/i] This sword is famed for it's frozen edge, it is a calm blade that has hatred of anything which disturbs the order of things living, it is known as the Sword of Order [i]The Muroi:[/i] This sword is infamous for it's dreaded presence in Hassai history, it holds a great joy for trickery and shroud, it's blade is shrouded in fog and mystery. This lead to it's name; the Sword of Trickery. [i]The Kagari:[/i] A sword which upholds the pillar of duty and experience, this blade is scarred and worn to the point of impressiveness. It's blade is the oldest of the Hakabi, therefore it's known as the Old Sword. [i]The Ussai'i:[/i] This sword fills the air with saddness and grief, it's blade is spilled with blood told to belong to a deity of great might. The sword cries over its misdeeds which is why it's known as the Sword of Treachery, but also as the Sword of Grief. [i]The Buri:[/i] A holy sword even amongst the Hakabi, this sword is said to encompass the might of the sun within its golden blade. It's said to be the lord of all swords and therefore it's known as the Ushiban-kabi, the King-sword. [i]Hasushi-bano:[/i] A lord of war second only to the great lord, this deity is known as the embodiment of three or four of the great lord-swords, however it also stands as the avatar of jealousy holding incredible hatred for those who display love on the field of battle. [i]Ushibano'o:[/i] As the Lord-King, Ushibano'o is known only in legend and is rarely awoken from his meditation, however the natural qualities of Ushibano'o is the personification of 5 of the lord-swords. But the Lord-King also stands as the avatar of knowledge.[/color] [color=gold][h3]Powers:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]Each blade holds it's own power, however the Hasushi-bano and the Ushibano'o have their own sets of skills and abilities. Whilst the powers of the lord-swords can be used by any mortal man worthy enough to be deemed the swords wielder, certain powers are limited only to the gods whom were sealed within the power of these lord-swords. Hasushi-bano is the avatar of jealousy, however he is a very hateful individual. His unique powers are centered around the heavenly lightning, channeling his fury into the realms of pure energy; thus channeling his hatred into purified lightning. the Holy Raikage, the Storm Lord, that is what the Hasushi-bano's skill is known as. Ushibano'o is known as the Lord-King, but he is also known as the Lord of Sun, he literally channels the suns might through a wormhole just behind his shoulders. This skill is known as the Sun King, Hasuhi Bashi.[/color] [color=gold][h3]Mortality:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The swords cannot be destroyed, they were forged by an unknown deity many ages past and they were used by this very deity to enchackel two powerful deities within the Hakabi seal mechanism. The deities which are sealed within the mechanism, Hasushi-bano, and Ushibano'o are also immortal, however when they are summoned, they can be resealed if the sword requirement is failed to be met, for example: If one of Ushibano'os five swords leaves contact with his aura, he is forcefully resealed. When the deity is sealed, they are put into a statue like state, taking on the appearance of an actual statue. There they are forced to meditate until awoken.[/color] [center][color=gold][h1]The Hassai Princepality[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/040/a/7/japanese_temples_by_touchedbyred-d75q05c.jpg[/img] [i]The Chackled Palace, the house of the Statue of Ushibano'o[/i] [color=gold][h3]Terrain:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The Hassai region is a land of fairy like scenery with trees bearing blue leafs and rivers flowing like pure magic. Waterfalls and other pseudo-divine landmarks fill the land, and wonderful architecture bless the houses of the Hassai Principality. The Hassai Region is known as a spiritually active region where the barrier between mortality and spirituality is closely entwined, therefore many shrines, temples and religious palacades are raised to honor the local spirits of varying power, the most famed being the Chackled Palace which is located at the very heart of the Hassai Principality at the center of it's capital; the City of the Pheonix. But there is also the famed Lightning Temple located at the top of the Masah Mountain.[/color] [color=gold][h3]Wildlife:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The Hassai region holds great fame for its mythical beasts and animal life, but there is also taint coloring the beautiful forests and rivers of this beautiful land, one such being the Terror Fiend, a nocturnal lurker which terrorizes the farmland and villages of the Hassai Principality.[/color] [color=gold][h3]Species:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The most prominent species are the Hassai people, individuals of human-like features, however they carry a much more agile frame, however that's not what makes the Hassai region important, no... What makes the region important is its many animals of impressive variety. One such beast is the Pheonix, a bird well known across the land for its appearance: it's a bird engulfed in living fire. But there's also innumerable spirit animals and living animals alike.[/color] [color=gold][h3]Culture(s):[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The Hassai Principality is a society ruled by the Pheonix Prince, a man who is chosen by the palaces' personal pheonix Akkar. Whenever a Pheonix prince dies, a new one is chosen by Akkar. The society is ruled by honor and duty, but also an insanely close connection to spirituality, many soldiers are blessed by monks and certain monks go to battle with the blessing of personal spirits so that they may summon spirits to battle. A wise man once said the following about the Hassai Principality: "Building, forging, crafting and praying- all this is pioneered by the people of Hassai, at the cost peace- now even the land has begun to hate them. (The Hassai)"[/color] [color=gold][h3]Capital:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The City of the Pheonix.[/color] [color=gold][h3]Important Individuals:[/h3][/color] [color=limegreen]The Pheonix Prince Shi Van Bao General Habiyo Shinyo General Hao Kiri Master builder Kene When Lord of the Forge Shibuya Bao Feng Hai[/color] [hr]