He knelt there for what seemed like hours, waiting for the tell-tale sounds of the trap-door opening and strangled choking. For the first time in a long time, Eli felt the tendrils of fear wrapping around him. Surely the Judge would ignore his plea. After all, he was a priest who had just arrived in this town a mere two days ago. He held no political power, only the knowledge of God. However, the orders of execution never came. Eli's eyes fluttered open only to shut close, the suns rays striking him. Bringing his right hand to block the sunlight, his squinted eyes managed to witness the scene unfolding before him. Finn Casey was being released from his bindings. Whether it was some stroke of luck or God's way of approving Eli's choice; the priest was filled with relief. His words had somehow swayed the public's opinion to his favor. Eli could make out a smile on the Finn's face as he was being held up by two officers by his side. Eli could feel his own lips twitching up into a smile before a feral cry reached his ears. He felt himself freeze in surprise, if not fear. It was a howl akin to the ones he had so frequently heard in his memories. Swallowing, the priest staggered to his feet, the Holy Book still clutched at his chest. Eli glanced at the two men, nodding. "Of course," he simply responded. There was no doubt that the Judge and Tucker would be watching his every move like vultures patiently waiting for a wounded animal to die. As the officers led Finn Casey down the steps and to Eli's humble home, the crowds slowly began to dissipate. It was likely that the news of a young priest who had intervened in a murderer's execution would spread like wildfire. Muttering a quick prayer of blessing to the two men, Eli made his way down the steps and towards his home, no, Eli's and Casey's new home. --- Within a few moments, Eli arrived at the rather old weatherboard house. The paint was peeling, the porch foundations needed to be repaired, and the floor creaked and moaned under the four men's weight. However, it was spacious enough for a four-person family to comfortably live in. Eli didn't know who the previous occupants were, but he was certainly grateful for the opportunity to live here instead of a sod house. There was a living room that could also serve as a dining room, a kitchen, and two closets in the first floor. Upstairs, there were two bedrooms and a bathroom. The officers dumped Finn Casey on the floor before taking their leave, both saying their farewells to the priest before taking their leave. Eli said his thanks before turning his attention to the tied convict. He blinked a few times before exhaling, bending down to untie Finn. Occasionally, he would rub the sun-burnt skin around his neck area. Less than thirty minutes out in the sun and he was already suffering. Eli frowned as he attempted to weave his way through the many knots before striking up a conversation with Finn. "Well, there are going to be rules here Finn. First, you are by no means allowed to break another law or the Judge'll have my hide. No drinking, no cursing, and no women. I'll teach you the Lord's words and you'll have daily confessions as well. If you're illiterate, I can help you learn and..." Eli licked his lips in thought before continuing on. "Well, you'll have to do something with your appearance. Cut your hair, or at last comb it, and take a bath." He finally undid the ropes, releasing Finn. "Any questions?"