[color=92278f][b][h3]Grey Onyx[/h3][/b][/color] Grey sighed, dusting his hands as he found a rock to lean the boy against. He had simply taken his leave of the other two, Not keen on causing Mar any more stress, inadvertent though it was. No, he had a job to do. Athalus and leith were available as well, which eased his fears somewhat. Between Leith's gauntlet-assisted might, Athalus' skill, and his own endurance, they could likely handle anything the child could throw at them... If he were capable of removing the chains and ropes Grey bound him in, at least. He sighed, leaning down to wake the child when he saw... a woman, was it? He tensed when he got a better look at her, reaching for his axe and his shield... He had forgotten the child could manipulate those, and had foolishly brought them with him. This turned out to be for the best, it seemed. Judging from her... less than sane appearance, she was probably one of the mages they sought, and after a rather hideous laugh, Athalus confirmed his suspicion. He looked behind him, letting out an audible gasp of shock when he noticed the the crazed... Well, pyromancer was obvious at this point... He barely registered another one too... Yeah, these were the rogue mages, they must be. His mind raced, assessing the situation... One combatant here, three allied warriors, two combatants over there, two allied warriors... He needed to go help Mar and Coco, three men on one lunatic was overkill when they could have the numbers in two places... But who to send?... Athalus, the others were a ways off, and Athalus had a crossbow. He looked forward, narrowing his eye as he regarded the elf, she had his full attention now... [b][color=92278f]"Athalus, head back and assist the others, Leith or I would never make it in time."[/color][/b] He ordered, slowly strafing to the side a few paces... Just what tricks did this girl have up her sleeve...