[i][color=f6989d]Ja'vi[/color][/i] - [u]A Minor Altercation[/u] She stood silently to the side as the Rebel leaders began to take accountability, only to stand even further back once there was the sound of uproarious chaos behind them. Recklessly charging up the ramp in a hijacked Speeder was none other than the heavy gunner that had almost shot her! She remained nonplussed as the craft crashed into the hangar where they all stood, and stood even further back as the Rebels hurried in to douse the flames. Her further assistance wasn't needed, it seemed. All were accounted for, all were prepared to continue onward and care for the wounded and lost. Though the gruesome display of the dead and bloodied bounty hunter was at least slightly amusing. With the mission complete and gone as far as it could, she lightly plucked up her own helmet from the vehicle she had disembarked from and turned instead to head back towards her quarters to restart the meditation that had been interrupted. Her intention had been one that was peaceful and easygoing as usual. Yet the marching of heavily laden footsteps drawing closer forced her to turn about to see none other than the very same angry gunner that had crashed into the ship. Not only that, but her hand was drawn back in anger, fury and rage that she could sense and understand, but why? What purpose did it hold? It was a movement that she could easily avoid, but to what end would that meet? More likely than not, her avoidance would only cause such enraged fervor to increase in the face of dissatisfaction. More destruction would likely be wrought, and she refused to be the fault of it. So the Twi'lek accepted the strike. Closing her eyes as it drew nearer and sent her spinning into a nearby wall. Her world whirled about her as she regained her equilibrium, and slowly stood back up normally. Insults were slung, but she didn't respond to them. Bearing a sense of defiance, she looked eye to eye with the flamboyantly armored gunner for along moment as venomous words were slung towards her ears. In response, Ja'vi said nothing. Instead she only turned about on her heels while she wiped away a thin trickle of blood that crept from the corner of her lip. There was certainly pain, she accepted it, knowing all too well that her body's way of telling her that there was an injury. Yet in her mind it was not worth going to the medical ward over, as there were wounded pouring in there. A minor issue like hers was not one worth busying over. Instead, she silently into another room and resumed her meditation. This focus would bring her mind off the pain and agony, and instead upon the extent that she could grasp the force. It was very little, and she needed to truly be able to understand its depths before she ran into greater dangers. Darkness was out there, and she knew it all too well. Imperial or Rebellion, it mattered not.