[hider=Mia Feral] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/2700ff627ab2716efedb2efe868f0edb/tumblr_mq7zemI4na1s7kr24o1_500.jpg[/img] Name: Mia Feral Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Thug What you want to be when you grow up? Rich. It doesn't matter what she ends up doing, or how she ends up getting rich, but she just wants to get out of the life style she was raised in, and is willing to do almost anything short of selling her body to make sure she can escape the clutches of poverty and become a wealthy woman. Who is your mentor? The streets (see biography for more in-depth explanation) Brief Biography: Mia has not had the prettiest life and she makes no effort to hide her background. She was born to a poor family, filled with 4 older siblings, 2 girls and 2 boys, and she was not the last either. After turning 5, she already had two more siblings, twin boys, just recently born. Her family continued to increase in number in the hopes of producing more able bodied workers that could help the family make ends meet every night, and for awhile, Mia was content with this life. Sure, it might not have been pretty, but at least she felt as though she was part of a living family that was there to support one another. Then she learned just how bad the world really could be. As she turned twelve, she truly began to develop into a pretty young girl, and her family as well as others began to take notice of this. Her older sisters would play with her, dressing her up and make her look pretty, and eventually someone took enough interest in her. One day, as she was preparing to go to bed, she heard her parents and an unfamiliar voice discussing something. She decided to snoop and left the bedroom door slightly open so she could hear, and while she didn't catch the whole discussion, she caught enough. "So the price is agreed on? All the youngest daughter and your debt shall be wiped away." Her parents remained silent for a long time, and eventually there was a low voice that spoke "Yes..." It was the oldest brother, and the parents began to weep but agreed. Mia made no hesitation as she began to close the door silently and once it was shut, she tried as best as she could to remain quiet as she gathered what little she had and prepare to leave, but eventually her brother came up stairs to find her getting ready to leave, and he had a look of pain on his face as he said "I'm sorry Mia, but we have to do this." He lunged to grab her, and something inside her snapped. Everything she thought she had, the love and support of her family, was shattered in a single instant. As her brother grappled her down to the floor, she lost all rationality and slammed her knee into his groin as hard as she could. He fell off of her as he began to gasp for air in pain, and without a moment's hesitation she grapped the small pack she had and took out the one weapon she packed, a large stone, and slammed it against his head several times until she saw blood. He was still breathing, but he definitely wouldn't be able to move any time soon. She quickly realized what she had just done, but instead of feeling remorse or sadness, she simply thought "Good riddens." With that, she ran out of the room, and past her parents, her hands bloody from the deed she had just committed, and within seconds she had abandoned her old life and became a homeless girl. The city raised her well, as the first month was harsh and she found herself nearly starving every night, but with the assistance of an old homeless man, she learned how to scavenge, but her desire for more began to fill her mind. One night, she watched a mugging for the first time, and she decided to use that as an example of what to do, but she didn't want to rob weak people, people like her old family. She decided to follow the mugger and once he returned to his small home, she waited until the next morning, and attacked him. It was easy, as she simply slammed the stone as hard as she could against his groin and repeated the process she had done to her brother. With that, she subdued the criminal, took his money, as well as his weapon of choice, a knife, and some of his clothing. It was large on her, but it was better than the rags she was wearing at this point. And she had discovered her calling in life. She repeated the process until we're at the current time, where she's developed her basic skills much more. What person(s) of interest do you know where you are from? Who all do you have a relationship with?: Mia intends to stay away from most of her family, except for her two younger twin siblings, Chase and David. As opposed to the rest of her family, Chase and David are very young and never did anything wrong to her, and she knew that they were the only ones that didn't deserve any hatred or resentment. She intends to take them away once she's older and has the money to care for them, as they deserve to have a better life than she did or the rest of their family. Equipment: -She still has the stone from when she was a child, but she carved it down and bore a hole into it so she could wear it on a necklace, as a good luck charm of sorts -Mia also has a knife and a brass knuckle that she uses when she has to fight. -She holds a small knife that is kept hidden in her boot, available to draw should she be disarmed of her main weapons. -Finally, she has some light clothing and pouches to hold money and items in. Class Skills: -Close combat fighting: With 2+ years of experience of living on the streets, Mia has learned how to fight when she has to defend herself. -Intimidation: As a thug, Mia has learned how to use her words to simply intimidate people into giving her what she wants instead. Of course it doesn't work on anyone that is willing to fight, but against weaker, older people they'll cave almost instantly. -Hidden Weapons: As the name implies, she can hide weapons on her person decently well. For now, she can only conceal knifes in her boots or belt convincingly. -Dirty Tricks: Since Mia is a young woman, she unfortunately finds herself at a disadvantage in many fights, but being that violence is a necessity in her "profession" she has learned and has no quarrel with using dirty methods to fight. Pocket sand, kicks to the groin, stamping on the instep of a persons foot, using a bit of pepper as sneezing powder, all these are things she has become skilled at doing and rarely fails at. With study and practice she can add more to her collection. Life Skills: -Negotiation: Being that she can talk decently well and can use it to help her, she's become pretty good at haggling prices and negotiating deals with merchants and people as long as she cleans herself up. If she is just coming from a fight and is bloody, she has a hard time making deals with people. -Reading and Writing: She has basic knowledge of reading and writing, but she definitely wouldn't understand complex writing, other languages, or advanace literary works and such. She can get by, but that's about it. -Observing People: Mia has become pretty good at analyzing certain things about people based on their appearances such as status and whether or not they're good at fighting, as she had to become good at picking targets for whom to mug. She can also find things like hidden weapons, certain physical traits like a limp, or smaller less noticeable actions on occasion like pick pocketing and/or small thievery. -Apparising: Mia is not extremely skilled at it yet, but considering the plethora of small items she has stolen over time, she has a comfort level with figuring the value of low to mid range items. She knows enough that the fence can't rip her off completely. While the girl can't perfectly value everything, particularly things she hasn't seen, but if they have a low to midrange monetary value Mia can at least get a feel for what it might fetch. This would of course be the price a fence would pay which is considerably less, not a law abiding person to person sale. [/hider]