As the twi'lek stared defiantly back up at her after recovering from the strike, Saleen glared back down at her with a merciless expression, inching her own face closer to that of the twi'lek. Saleen clenched her fists, as in her head, she expected Ja'vi to strike back at any moment using some kind of fancy martial arts move or something. When Ja'vi suddenly turned away, her tentacles waving behind her head, Saleen was at first surprised, then disappointed, and finally; angry! "Hey! H-heyhey! Don't you walk away from me, squidhead! I'm not done talking to you yet!" Saleen immediately protested against the silent treatment she was receiving at the hands of the twi'lek, before following after her while stabbing her fingers at her back. "There's this thing called sociability, human-to-human interaction! ... or human-to-squid interaction. Heard about that? No? It's the stuff that makes society! Thought you'd have!" Saleen ranted, yet the twi'lek continued to ignore her. This seemed to only make Saleen more furious, to the point she threw her hand up into air as she gave up! "Suns! I'm on a mission with a mute!" Saleen exclaimed in frustration, before letting out a deep sigh. Shaking her head, she turned away from the stoic twi'lek to walk back towards the cab which by now had been extinguished. [i]"I'll deal with that bitch later."[/i] Looking down at her runaway vehicle, most of the front had been charred by the blast. The smell of fried Gran also filled the shuttle by now, as the alien's corpse had fallen onto the fire before the rebels could extinguish it. "This is my trophy, I get first dibs." She told the nearby rebels, before she began to rummage through the various dashboards, glove compartment and sockets for any valuables. But all she managed to find was the keys to the speeder; which she had missed during the hijacking; an alien playboy magazine which's pages were too sticky to open, some burnt certificates and insurance documents, a more than two years old expired license, a blaster pistol and a collection of crappy music discs. "Eh, on second note, it's yours." Saleen suddenly said to the rebels around her as she stepped away from the destroyed cab. "Consider it my donation to the... the cause or whatever. Amazing Space-Legend Saleen Re'Revoure is a gracious soul!" Leaving the husk of the speeder to the rebels, Saleen walked away. She was a treasure hunter, not a scavenger. In her mind, there was a difference between hunting for grand treasures and being a dirty scavenger who picked through garbage. She was not THAT desperate! Looking at her armor, which had been pristine and tidy less than an hour, it was now covered in alien blood and dust! [i]"I need a shower... "[/i] * The moment the shuttle had docked with the Intruder, Saleen had immediately headed off ahead of everyone, leaving the rest to do the heavy lifting. She was paid to fight and get shot at, not administration duty. She first took a short detour to her room to load off all her equipment and armor. This was no small feat, given the numerous pieces that made up her armor, and all her gadgets and tidbits that she was carrying. She would then continue on towards the shower area wearing only her skin tight jumpsuit while carrying a pair of towels and a bag of bathroom paraphernalia. [i]"This ship better not get attacked while I'm in the shower!"[/i]