Penelope found herself a bit happy with Crow's reaction despite herself. A small hint of pink even crossed over her cheeks. Silently, she scolded herself for the way she took his reaction. It shouldn't have mattered what the thief thought about it after all. She gave a small snort in attempt to recover, especially with William around. "Better. I lost my armor and sword for nothing if it doesn't." Penelope stated giving William an annoyed look. William shurgged carelessly. "Anyways... How's your accent coming? We're going to cross soon after all." She eyed William who muttered something under his breath. "Come on then. Can't be that bad is it?" Penelope said testing out her own take of th accent. She had improved during the ride over and it was sounding more similar to Crow's now. "I'll work on it." William grumbled. Penelope rolled her eyes in annoyance with the elder knight.