Hii~~!! [@PhantomSekai] Sooo like this is wut I gots in muh charrie sheet for Mia and Divine in the city of ____. [i][quote]Me Night scene sisters and I, we talked strategy dockside where we were to meet McCafferty. We collected what things and moneys we could and brought it all here; we were going to buy weapons. Big ones. Big ones ready to fight others. And if need be... to kill them. Maybe Mia would even be here? Maybe join us? She was a rough n' tumble lass that had seen her fair share of brawls and undoubtedly came out on top most o' the time, natch! But then the bells began to toll! But not just the religious ones. All of them. Across the city they rang out like the desperate voices of angels keening for our fate that middle of the night. I dunno who ushered us away, but she lead us to a trapdoor behind and ol' abandoned house and down a tunnel we went! Oh, but war!!! That was the reason for this all. Our city of ____ was under attack. We were at war. And so for 3 days they said to stay here. That they would be back. We were scared. We were cold and hungry. Those that could not see in the dark trembled the most, but me n' me sisters tried our best to calm them. That and when they saw how brave Mia was, and that the toughest of all of us was also the bravest, they rallied around her mettle. Oh! And me one sister with the magics created small flame for short times that she could maintain to keep spirits up too. But we dared not keep any torch lit. We were warned of losing air. Or causing undue attention to us all. How many there were of us exactly, I cannot remember. But we were tightly packed. And much too much of us to keep fed and watered. And so me n' Mia were the oldest so we went and checked further down the tunnels. And damns us. We gots lost! We were starved and desperate for water. And so on the 6th day we had no choice but to leave our safety in the underground shelter. It was near dusk. And I remember shuddering. I could hear my bones rattle it was soooo quiet. It was as if nary a person ever existed in ____. Eerily silent and still twas. And so we wandered, just the two of us and then we saw it. I opened me mouth to scream but not a sound came out. None atall aye. Indeedy. I froze. For all my fear me brains worked out something at the same time that was just toooooo curious and strange! There was no blood... and curiously enough... mayhaps twas the time o day? But they, the citys leaders cast no shadow upon the ground. No blood, no shadow. Only the frozen stark look of terror forever etched upon their dead faces, pinned to the wall. I do not remember how I felt when I saw those three up there, evenly spaced apart like some strange collection... or trophies of some twisted mind... but I cannot unsee what I saw that day. Horror and revulsion. [/quote][/i] Let me know if its too god-moddy k?^^