[quote=@HeySeuss] The Intruder is a [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/CR90_corvette]Corellian CR90 Corvette[/url] modified for piracy duty-- less cargo storage, more berths to accommodate a boarding party (the Liberators), as flush-fitting [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Katarn-class_boarding_shuttle]Katarn-Class shuttle[/url] for boarding actions, and a modified engine configuration. For kicks, we'll say the shuttle was redesigned with a rear-facing ramp/airlock arrangement because that's how it docks with the Intruder anyway; it fits on the underside of the ship. It's been pressed into service as a privateer, which isn't that much different from piracy except that it has legal sanction from the Alliance, not that the Empire recognizes any such thing. CR-90's are modified all the time, and this is one of those times. [/quote] Thanks for the picture and wiki page. It gave me a lot more inspiration for writing :P i've also decided that my character, without her armor and just in her jumpsuit, looks a lot like Nova from Starcraft(for those of you that know her), and even share the same hairstyle! Tho i have yet to find a picture of her that i would dare post on these forums xD