[quote][b]"Vile fiend!"[/b] [u]He pointed sternly at the feminine figure with horns, skin like raw flesh and pupiless eyes. [b]The monstrosity.[/b][/u] [b]"Harass this man no longer!"[/b] He commanded, he [u]would have[/u] been less curt and immediately buried his metal deep into the skull of [u]the creature[/u] if it looked any uglier than it was.[/quote] Well, he is pointting at our local tiefling here. He's not attacked anything, yet. I refeRed to [b]her[/b] as the monstrosity in my post. I'm playing things according to offIcial lore that some folk don't take kindly to her kind - something I pressume to be true, since it was written on dandwiki. Relius is a character who might be influenced by background things like that and he won't necessarily know the things I know. Like in this case, he doesn't know she is here for the job, not trying to take your wizard's soul.