When Mason finally answered her question, she gave him a slight nod knowing that it must have been personal so she didn't want to pry into his personal life if he didn't want to tell her how it happened. "It's alright and you can just call me Anna. Personal stuff I wont pry into unless you are willing to share it." Anna said as she set down her PDA and looked out the window and listened to him speak, she still didn't know much about Mason other then that he worked for the military. "I know and I understand that you want to know that the lives on Mars are safe, and I do as well since I do have my younger sister working up there." She said with a soft sigh and turned to face him, she was more worried for her sister as the past few weeks with talking to her have been somewhat difficult her sister being busy with the constant injuries and the psych problems going on. "I'm honestly not sure what is going on out there, from what I have given to me by Mr. Delahue are a lot of injuries and an increase of mental issues coming up, anything from equipment breaking down and injuries coming from that malfunctioning equipment. And also from the messages I have from my sister the physic problems are getting much worse now. Other then that is all I was given from medical reports and manifests from equipment the destroyed equipment or damaged parts."