Looks like you're in serious need of a support member. Adding my CS now, but I will probably add a bit more to this some point tomorrow. [hider=Garth] Name: Garth Montgomery Age: 24 Gender: Male [URL=http://s905.photobucket.com/user/yarajlamina/media/the_silver_eye___sunny_noah_by_lostie815-d8r6q90.jpg.html][IMG]http://i905.photobucket.com/albums/ac260/yarajlamina/the_silver_eye___sunny_noah_by_lostie815-d8r6q90.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Personality: Garth is more of a lofty dreamer than an actual doer. If he had a say in the matter, he would be quite content if he could laze about on a tropical planet for the rest of his days; even as the rest of the universe crumbles. Unfortunately, that requires quite a lot of cash. And that is exactly what Garth is seeking, first and foremost. Strengths: Garth is a naturally gifted pilot, and seems to pick up on vehicles as if they were second nature (be it as big as a battleship cruiser, or as small as a hoverboard). This tends to be rather infuriating to actual engineers, considering Garth knows next to nothing about their actual construction or their intricate machinery. Furthermore, Garth is also quite capable as a medic when given the proper tools. Weaknesses: He has next to no experience in combat, and as such, combat skills would be considered "average" at best. He's a decent backup shot with a laser pistol if the time calls for it, but don't expect him to risk his life in the crossfire unless the situation is dire/he's already in the thick of it. And if somebody comes charging with a photon axe, you best expect him to run with his tail between his legs. Equipment(Include any droid, weapon and armour you may have) Biography(One paragraph detailing the character's past): Something along the lines of studying to become a doctor, then discovering his innate talent with vehicles (again, I'll have more details probably by tomorrow). Romance: Yes, straight [/hider]