The Captain, Xannis Kroi, was in sheer shock of what had transpired, in but a mere moment he was a charging best, now brought down by an attack from the rear. His eyes looking downward to his chest, a blood-stained knife protruding from it, for his final moments consciousness, he grinned once more. "Well played...human.." he said weakly before collapsing to the ground. As the Venusians fled in retreat, the surviving members of Martyr Company ceased fire, several men rushing to the Captain's aide, carrying him to the dropship. Medic Taki quickly dashing out to carrying Naska as well, although perfectly fine on the exterior, deep down emotionally, he still was not well. [u]One Hour Later...[/u] Adam and two other soldiers were outside leaning against the dropship, snacking on rations. "Ugh...this tastes terrible." One said, a human around Adam's age, with light brown skin. "Deal with it, it's all we got." Another spoke, a Dark-skinned female Naasi. "Or you wanna take your chances and take a bit out of that thing?" She pointed at the bullet-ridden corpse of the beast that ravaged their company, the strong smell of its decay filing the air. "Uhhh...I'd rather the rations." Taking another bite out of the rectangular food. He noticed a rather down Adam. "Got something to add?" "This is fucked up.." Adam protested, his arm bandaged and the wound in his shoulder patched up. "Not even a goddamned hour! And we lost a huge chunk of the company! The kid won't snap out of it, and Captain Kroi is dead! We're in no shape to go on." Within moments, the Sergeant of Razor Squad stepped out after his report to his superiors, the three turning their gazes on him. "I got a reply from the Temple, both good and bad news." He paused a moment before continuing. "Good News is, we apparently picked a good spot for the main strike force to land, so we did our part for that mission and reinforcements will arrive within a few hours." "And the bad news...?" Adam asked with great dread." "Bad News is...the wounded won't be evaced out of here, sorry Adam, you're stuck here with us." "Can't be helped sarge, I'll do my best." " get some rest, the real fighting starts real soon."