“Man I mean... I guess I'm in but... you realize this is insane right?” “Yeah but are you trying to insinuate the situation itself isn't? Two days ago people weren't scared of a flying mutant creatures, people our ages weren't just walking into and out of banks with handfuls of cash as they walked through every wall. We're in the middle of insane right now, practically the epicenter of insanity.” “Yeah but look at this man, I look... well I mean its not [i]so[/i] bad. Really doesn't leave a lot to the imagination though.” “Well with your powers it needed to be a bit clingy. Besides you look fine, like a regular...” “Superhero?” “Yeah.” “Man I still don't know. I'm not a superhero, I'm an idiot who plays soccer and hits on anything with boobs. You're putting a lot of faith into me knowing what the hell I'm doing.” “Tyler listen to me, I've seen the way the others on the team look at you. They look up at you so hard it cranes their necks. I know you can do this. Plus with your powers you really think you're going to get hard that badly?” “Yes.” “With your powers? Really?” “Man when I woke up this morning I was all inflated like a balloon, I don't even want to think about what I'm suppose to do like this. Its a miracle I can even control it in the first place.” “Just relax Tyler. I have a list of some of the others. Lets just get their attention and after school tomorrow we can start really getting going on this.” “Just give me some assurance you know what you're doing...” “Oh you don't even know the fifth of it my bouncy friend. If my theories are right, this might go much deeper than anyone thought.” “Please never call me 'bouncy' again...” ~One week after the big bang~ A guy on 12th street downtown nearly set the entire block engulfed in flames, cackling like an insane person. Stores have been getting robbed by someone who can simply walk through any wall, safe, or other solid object. Strange monster like figures have been reported as showing up at night. With people missing on a count of them. Really, it was all thanks to one hell of a party. Tyler Smith was one of the unlucky teenagers who was at that party. Sure considering what his seen on the news as what had happened with some of the other people. He got out of it lucky becoming simply some crazy rubber man. Still it complicated what was a lot of sure things in his life. Thankfully soccer season was over already. But what was he going to do about it next year? It was just one of a million thoughts swarming through his head. As he kept his locker door open. Staring inside at the lone science textbook and sacked lunch from a week ago he should be throwing out by now. He quietly just stared as finally a nearby locker getting slammed closed snapped him out of it. With a quick startled leap back Tyler glanced around before closing his own locker. Sighing to himself Tyler started to chemistry class as he spotted a familiar figure down the hall, giving him a nod before continuing on. He barely knew the guy before all this but now the two have been talking about what was for all basic purposes crazy talk. Still given all the things that the self proclaimed 'Apollo' has done already Tyler knew that even with what was happening, and what was going to happen. He might just be over thinking everything. Apollo smiled at Tyler's nod, only to quietly glance down at the smart phone he had in his hand. Its message and the people he was sending it too all set up and finished with a simple push on the screen. [i]For our lives now, for everyone we know and love, its us versus them. I don't know who exactly is the 'them' of that line, but we have something deeper here. That explosion, the party itself, there's no coincidence here. We were set up from the start to be exposed to whatever that stuff was. They've been at it for some time now, slowly picking up some of the other people who were there that night. Some willingly joining them, most probably not though. They're the others too, the ones who mutated their minds are gone, twisted into some kind of monster beyond all human form. Or using their powers for greed, or just plain chaos. I made sure you're the only person I want seeing this message, its encrypted, and will be completely wiped from existence as soon as I find out you read it. They might think of you as a menace now, some kind of threat, but I know you have it in you to do something about all this, the right thing to do. As for who I am? Just call me Apollo for now. Trust me, I might be the only 'friend' you have anymore. As soon as I hear back from you, meet me at the janitor's closet in the west hall after school. Once you're there, we can get this show on the road.[/i] He pulled up another message, this time for Tyler. [i]Just sent out the message to the others, meet up same place as before. Bring and change into the costume before hand.[/i] Apollo had the massage be attached with the school's records on each of the seven others. A little something he whipped up via less than legal means the night before. There was a brief moment of hesitation in considering if everything was going to work like he had calculated it would. Then again, after this week, no point in second guessing anything anymore. *Click* The message was sent to Tyler, now the fun starts.