The cackle of a laugh that sounded when Finn was called 'son' rattled his frame, unlike Eli who shook in plain fear. He couldn't be bothered to feel an ounce of annoyance at the smaller man when it bettered him to get his laughs out of it. The poor thing looked as though he'd topple over at the softest spook. As much as Finn would have loved to see the young priest's eyes roll back in his head he figured he'd always have the chance later on. For now, he was too busy exploring the humble house to turn Eli more pale than he already was. He fingered and prodded at what few accessories decorated the place. A simple design, with modest furnishing and everything a priest would need to go about a simple life. Definitely more than Finn could manage alone. He'd spent a good number of his nights passed out in barns bale sheds of strange farmers between towns and bathed in the cold water of the lakes. He slept little and ate even less, but it was a life he chose and not once found reason to complain. He was free. Well, he was half-free at the moment, but he had his life and so long as it wasn't Tucker huffing over his shoulder until he found a chance to escape then he would survive. The little priest was busy by the time Finn bothered to find him again. He was knelt down in the corner in fervorous prayer as though Eli were the one who had spouted off curses. In all honestly he didn't pay much attention to his scolding, his eyes wandering around the house elsewhere despite a few humored huffs here and there. "And how're you expectin' that to happen? I can't remember the last time I bathed proper..." Finn didn't seem too concerned with the fact. He never did mind his ratty hair, the way the dust settled on his skin and in his clothing. Sometimes, he couldn't tell the difference between the freckles on his forearms and days-old dirt. Rain was another luxury. Not the blustery, violent kind of Kansas storm that had you crawling for shelter but the gentle showers come early summer. Eventually he learned his way around the lower level of the house, each room, closet and pantry. A house built for more but so far it seemed that Eli was the only resident. When he returned, he leaned his tired body against the edge of the tabletop, shucking the boots off of his feet with his heels. "Your kind doesn't take on women anyway, huh?" He asked, followed by a stretch and a grunt.