[color=6ecff6]Name:[/color] Katalina Hargraves [color=6ecff6]Age:[/color] 17 [color=6ecff6]Year in school:[/color] Senior year [hider=Apperance] [color=6ecff6]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://www.comicsblend.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/feliciaday.jpg[/img] She has slightly more visible freckles due to the amount of time she spends in the sun/ water. [/hider] [color=6ecff6]Ability/power/creature:[/color] Hydrokenises, or the ability to manipulate water with her mind. Katalina has always been something of a water baby, so she always felt at home in the water. She learned she could manipulate water with her mind after breaking a glass of water, but the water retained the shape of being in the glass. [color=6ecff6] Biography:[/color] Katalina was born in sunny southern California, near Venice Beach. She was raised by her loving parents, who were upper middle class. Her mother was a home maker, which is not surprising due to the time period. Her father worked in Hollywood, working mostly in advertising, but somehow always had good connections for parties. Katalina spent most of her childhood at the beach, learning how to swim from a young age. She discovered her ability to manipulate water when she was about seven, after accidentally breaking a glass of water. However, the water retained it shape as if it had been in the glass, and was hovering about three feet off the floor. She has managed to keep this ability a quiet secret from her parents, which isn't hard. Her parents spend much time schmoozing, and going to parties. Katalina was use to seeing mostly baby-sitters and her grandparents in the evenings. To keep Katalina busy during the summer, her mother signed her up for the local swim team as well as diving team starting from when she was seven years old. She proved to be a natural, and took to this well. She started winning medals and ribbons at swim meets, and went on to be county champ. There was also a possibility of her going to the Olympics at one point, but that never worked out. Her mother simply wants Katalina to be just like her, a home maker. However, as she got older, Katalina started rebelling against her parents whims, and insisted that she would never end up like her mother. She took her swimming seriously, as well as school. Shortly before she was due to enroll in public high school, Katalina was sent a letter from Northwood Academy that arrived in the mail. They had noticed her swimming talents and wished to help her with her dream, of someday making it to the Olympics. She insisted that she be able to attend. After looking up the schools credentials, her parents approved and sent her off to school. She has happily spent the last three years there, and looks forward to another year at school. [color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color] Katalina is a jock, but not the atypical one. She is a very bubbly, happy and friendly person. Ash has described her as: "A ray of sunshine; annoying and in your face." She and Ash have a rivalry in swimming, but Katalina keeps trying to be friendly to her classmate. She is the type of person that would nurse a sick bird back to health. However, this does not mean she is a pushover. She will fight tooth and nail for what she wants, which is why she is even attending Northwood.