[b]Party Name:[/b] United Territories of Civitas Socialist Party [b]Party Acronym:[/b] UTCSP [b]Party Motto:[/b] [i] "What people need."[/i] [b]Party Logo:[/b][img]http://blog.cachinko.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Blog-Red-Flag1.jpg[/img] [b]Party Ideology:[/b] The UTCSP follows a largely Socialist ideology, dedicating itself to improving the standards of living for all citizens of the UTC, lower the unemployment and homeless figures and install proper government oversight and safeguards into the corporate world in order to stabilize and safeguard the national economy. -Government Involvement:The UTCSP has long made its displeasure about the short sighted budget cuts the prior government made to programs dedicated to helping the people of the UTC known. One of its primary goals will be the reestablishment of these programs where possible while considering how they could best be restructured to help those citizens in need. -Economy: The UTCSP acknowledges that the economy is a complete mess and needs to be sorted out, but this is not the kind of thing that can be fixed if you charge into the situation blind; The former government did that and look at where we are now. While the UTCSP have to date not committed themselves to a plan to fix the economy, they are gathering what information they can and are discussing several possible plans of action. First and foremost will be the establishment of proper corporate oversight and enforceable business safeguards in order to get a better idea of where to start sorting out the economic mess. -Taxes: The first course of action will be the reestablishment of the Millionaire and Mansion taxes, as well as the removal of several tax cuts awarded to the upper classes. Once the wealthy start to pay their fair share, the tax burden on the middle and working classes will quickly find itself lessened. -Military:A plan is currently being considered in order to strengthen the Military, but the party is being quiet on the details for the time being until they can discuss it properly with military experts. -Environment:The loopholes that greedy capitalists have been exploiting to do as they pleased must been ironed out as soon as possible. Their continued existence is clearly a sign of how short sighted and corrupt the former government was. -Citizen Rights: There have been discussions on lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 on the grounds that the younger generation should have a say in how their country is run, but the party clearly has bigger, more pressing issues that need to be dealt with first. -Education:The UTCSP consider education to be quite important and will take the time to review the current standards of the nations education system before making any plans in that direction. While the main goal of the party in this direction will be improve the system to the benefit of the children that are going through the system, they have shown a willingness to talk with the teachers unions on the matter as well. -Health-Care: People are more important then profit. While they have not dedicated themselves to a single plan, the UTCSP has made their intentions to improve the status of the health care system by whatever ethical means well known. -Emergency Services: While the budget of the Fire Department was quite clearly oversized by the former government, the Department has put its funding to good use. As such, the UTCSP will attempt to tailor future budgets so that the Fire Department can maintain its high standards. The Police Department, while well funded for its size, is clearly understaffed and in need of reorganization. -Immigration: While other parties might be focused on how best to keep those seeking a better, safer life out of the country, the UTCSP is more invested in helping those already within the country illegally become a proper citizen and develop the skills needed to improve the UTC. Everyone who is in the UTC should have the right not to be exploited or having to live in fear. -Other: The UTCSP is a relatively new party, being founded three elections back with the goal of improving the standard of living for all citizens of the UTC, but mainly those of the working and middle classes. They have long been a loud voice announcing the hypocrisy of previous governments cutting benefits and help programs to people in need to save money while at the same time giving the rich and wealthy tax cuts and outright removing taxes from them while raising taxes for everyone else. [b]Party Leader:[/b][hider=Andrew Macdonald, MP]MP Name: Andrew Macdonald [b]MP Appearance:[/b][img]http://cdn.marxist.com/images/stories/austria/Likas-Riepler.jpg[/img] [b]MP Position in Party:[/b]Party Leader [b]Home Territory:[/b]Central UTC[/hider] [b]Vice Party Leader:[/b][hider=Edward Hyde][b]MP Name:[/b]Edward Hyde [b]MP Appearance:[/b][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/Edward_Snowden-2.jpg[/img] [b]MP Position in Party:[/b]Vice Party Leader [b]Home Territory:[/b]North UTC[/hider]