Suki nodded in agreement, and finishing off what she was eating, saw that someone appeared to have fainted. She went to help, but Umichi got there first. It appeared that they had a group of their own, or at least friends that wanted to help them. Suki wondered if the person was just tired, or if the game had caused them to become sick or something. [color=bc8dbf]"just food. Weird food but yummy all the same"[/color] she said to Aikoto, as he returned. She decided she would ask Umichi later about the fainted guy, and instead ross. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm going to explore the town a bit, and then I might head to bed"[/color] she said to the others, rising, and stretching and giving them a wave, headed outside. Goniku wasn't a big town, it only had the one inn, and a handful of shops. A small blacksmiths seemed to be the only place to get any weapons, and there were a few food shops, bakeries mostly giving that it was close to farming land, a general shop of some sort, which she went to head into, but the BPc merchant was just heading out.[color=bc8dbf]"oh. Sorry"[/color] They looked to her, an old man that seemed mildlt annoyed, but did have a kindky air. [color=8dc73f]"I'm sorry, Miss, myself. The store actually was meant to close hours ago, but it's been ofdly busy"[/color] Suki smiled and said [color=bc8dbf]"I was just going to look around. It's such a pretty town. Thank you, but I don't really need anything that badly that it can't wait for the morning. Please, go home!"[/color] The old NPC man nodded, and walked off. Suki smiled, the NPCs here seemed to be quite friendly, and very interactive. Suki thought on that a moment, and then continued on her way. She came to a small town square, the small fountain there seemed to glow from some hidden light. Colours splashed in th waters, and with amazement, Suki saw that there were fish in it, swimming around, with different sizes. She wondered if all the towns had something like this. She eagerly sat down, leaning over the fountain slightly, and studying the fish with curiosity. Why, there was even a gold fish! Such normalcy, in such an amazing world. She tipped her fingers in the water, and giggled as a fish nimbled her skin