Shifting up, Ross dived back onto the road, roaring through a tunnel of sorts as he weaved traffic, the 6.2L V8 more akin to something that would fit in a Shelby, not a elegant German Coupe. None the less, it was an incredible sound, as Ross weaved into the hard shoulder, blaring past a couple of generic-looking sedans- most likely some Ford Mondeos, or Honda Accords. He didn't worry about that right now. Getting clear of the cops was priority number one, as the road went on, Ross still going back and forth between in and out of cars, the V8 wanting to spin the back wheels up and make this beast feral. Looking behind, he kept an eye on Kimberly, before turning back off onto the right, looking at the exit. "We're pulling off here, we might be able to lose our tail. Down to Al-Barsha Road." Ross added, taking the junction clean, as he sped past the construction work, aware that if Kimberly kept tight, and wove past the traffic, she might make it through. Turning hard, and braking, the ceramics heating up as Ross hit the handbrake and shifted down, the rear wheel skidding as he then was back on the throttle in a sharp acute turn, Ross pulled into the small road, almost single laned, forcing people from the road as he turned left, heading down into the more complex roads, down into Al Barsha, as he kept on the throttle, the sound of sirens becoming a little more distant, though still in the area. Ross kept to the throttle, flooring it down the road and breaking a red light, turning hard left onto another road, between a pair of apartment blocks, dust kicking in the track as he then turned right, the wonder of Dubai's PD still going on- this was a chase that had lasted more than long enough now, and they wanted it over. That wasn't what Ross was going to let them have, not today, as he carried on, aware that they'd lose them soon. "We might need to split, find some cover under a roof, then head out. Keep as low a profile as we can, apart. Wait, shit, didn't our contact say he left false plates in the boot?" Ross asked, as he thought it through. "Shit, it might just be screwdriver time, we might get though this easier than I thought..." Ross added, braking hard again and kicking up some dust, as he drove through past the American Academy in Dubai, flooring it through the four way junction and just looking around, for places to quickly lay the car low for a moment or two.