Chit Zai was growing frustrated with the woman before them; She clearly knew more than she was leading on, and it was wearing on his patience. However, he was starting to believe his initial was response was wrong. There is no way this woman is working for Iluq, only those whom are truly malicious would make ties with such a monster, this woman seemed all too peaceful. Chit Zai took in a deep breath, exhaled, and scanned their surroundings once more: things were about to get worse. He could see two water benders fast approaching from the city, and he knew without a doubt they were the ones that had given him so much trouble in the city. They were no ordinary benders. Without hesitation, Chit Zai demanded "Look! you're either for us or against us, so help me get the Avatar to the western shore now or stop the games and attack already." Without waiting for a response, Chit zai began moving the index and middle finger of both his hands through the air in circular motions. The enemy was still a long way off, but if he got just the right charge to it, he might be able to put them down long enough to get away. The air crackled around his hands, and the static build up was palpable. Still, he continued to motion in the air until the built up charge threatened to tear his body apart. All at once he pointed his fingers at the attacking waterbenders, and a bolt of lightning escaped either hand; it was an incredible force, plenty of power and speed, but his aim was off centre enough that he wasn't even sure if he made contact. The blast, however, kicked up a screen of dust which hopefully would serve them well in their retreat.