[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@Kitsune] [@AbigailTenshi] Zento took a seat on the cold concrete as he waited for Koyo to make the call. As she dialed, Zento took the time to give her a once over. Instantly, he regretted his request for her to call, she was bleeding, bruised, and barely standing. What kind of gentleman was he to make her do anything in that condition. Surprisingly, Kazuma did not shock him for his stupidity, which was rare for her in most circumstances. Zento immediately stood when she was done with the call and listened to the Captains message. They were to head over to Squad 4 to help them heal up, and that they would be replaced. Zento frowned, he really did not care to much about the fact that this place was still protected, he was worried about Koyo. Zento sighed and took out Kazuma at Koyo's request. He opened the door back to the Soul Society and walked towards the 4th Squads barracks. He walked alongside Koyo as they did. "Sorry about making you call with your injuries, I did not notice them till now." He said apologetically. Despite that, even to him, it sounded like a lie.