[i][color=f6989d]Ja'vi[/color][/i] - [u]Squid-Head?[/u] [i][color=f6989d]Be the unending calm before the storm.[/color][/i] Stubbornly at first, a rage filled heavy gunner pursued the Twi'lek; slinging a barrage of insults and harsh words her way that fell upon seemingly deaf ears. Certainly without a doubt she could hear the woman that marched angrily after her, undeniably she could feel the frustration fueled fingertip prodding the midst of her back. What would a response warrant however? Further pointless violence more likely than not, and she was not one to incite it. Steadying her own feet as the shuttle launched upward towards the heavens, the Twi'lek trooper found salvation in isolation in the little side-room she had found refuge in. The occasional trooper strode on by, occasionally offering her a confused glance towards the tranquility of her state, but little else. Vibro-blades, while reliable and utilitarian, were simply not effective enough for her liking. Desperately, she needed a blade that was able to slice through armor without difficulty. She needed to obtain a [i]crystal[/i]. Having dissected and dismantled what had once been her old training Lightsaber from her youngling days long ago, the crystal from that was too small for a standard weapon. However such dissection still granted her the knowledge about how to build her own, and more importantly the knowledge as to what pieces she needed to complete the project. The true tribunal would be finding a way to get a crystal. Smuggled or otherwise, perhaps the Hutt would be of assistance. Upon arrival at the Intruder, Ja'vi quietly made her way past the bodies that had been laid out in memoriam for those lost. Solemnly, her eyes remained closed while she strode past, bowing her head in respect for the dead. Though she had never been one to make friends, and in fact remained rather distant; she could understand the sorrow of loss. Eventually, the former Youngling made her way to her own quarters after a quick shower where she quietly ignored the presence of others once again. Sharply with mechanical efficiency, the door slid open only to swiftly shut behind her. There, the straps binding the two Vibro-Blades to her back came unfastened and settled neatly down beneath the edges of her bed. The Blaster Pistol and its holster upon the plain dresser that sat parallel to the bed. There, she settled upon the center of a simple, plain rug that she had since her childhood. Reaching into the dresser as she had to only lean slightly in the confined space to do so, she lifted the bottom board to extract a long, slender, and slightly curved object made of metal. It was her old former training saber. Settling it down upon the floor in front of her, the young Twi'lek focused her will in its entirety towards it. And not long after, invisible hands carefully and slowly took it apart. The crystal that had once been its core having long been cracked and broken in the traumatic days of Order 66, it was useless for now, dysfunctional and unsafe. Carefully, she lifted components with her will one by one, each of them varying in size and precision of make. Rotating them slowly to carefully inspect them. She hadn't touched it for years since the chaos of her youngling days; but now with the difficulty she was having concerning vibro-blades and armor...she had a greater need to see this weapon returned to service with greater effectiveness than she had as a child. The true pity was that she had no one to teach her how to truly fight with it. Such arts would have to be self-taught...and those would be poorly done from her memory at best.