[quote=@Rithy] after reading your post, feisty, i'm currently entertaining the idea that saleen might unwittingly be in possession of a lightsaber crystal amidst her jewelry collection, as she has a OCD when it comes to collecting anything shiny that she comes across ^^ ... no way she'd ever give anything to Ja'vi however! xD [/quote] XD I don't thinks she'd have something like that. (Crystals are heavily regulated under Palpatine's Empire, as far as I've read. EXTREMELY hard to get a hold of.) Though having Saleen angrily intrude while she disassembles her old Training Saber is always an option. (Whether or not she would recognize it for what it truly is, is not known by me. But seeing small objects floating through the air guided by invisible means would certainly draw suspicion. Of course they'd suddenly drop once Saleen steps in.) It's something a Hutt might be able to get through Black-Market means, but not something anyone else might have.