Ben just kept shaking his head, no, Arvo wouldn't be fine and neither would Ben. It was so obvious in both of their voices that neither of them would be fine. He just stood still and listened to Arvo continue to ramble on and on, about how Ben would be fine and how if he stayed behind Ben wouldn't have to worry about "this whole soul-mate thing," as if that was a good thing. And then Arvo said that he was [i]done[/i], and that sent a lurching feeling in his gut, stabbing him like a knife. Ben was still frozen, and everyone was quiet for a few minutes. Then Kenny interrupted the silence, "stay or go, you have ten minutes to sort this out and then we're leavin', with or without you." Kenny said, irritation in his voice. Then he walked out and slowly everyone else followed. When everyone left Ben suddenly found his voice again. "I'm [i]not[/i] leaving without you." He reconfirmed, then he reached down and grabbed one of Arvo's hands, staring at it because he couldn't look at Arvo in the eye. "L-Listen, you''re the only good thing to happen since this whole mess started, and I'm not going to....I'm not going to leave you. No one deserves to be alone." He said, his was was tense and full of worry because he didn't know how to handle a situation like this. "You s-said earlier that if you left I wouldn't have to worry about this soul-mate thing...But I'm not worried about 'this soul-mate thing', I'm worried about you." He continued to only look at his hand that was holding Arvo's. This felt nice, slightly calming in a way, but he was too afraid to think about the feeling of Arvo's hands right now.