[b]Name:[/b] Stein Franken [b]Age:[/b] 59 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/021/3/d/3dc5207b2f265493e59c08354cf4e65f.jpg[/img] [b]Powers:[/b] [Soul Manipulation] Stein's main power is his mastery of Soular Manipulation. He is the absolute master of this art. He can adapt his soul to any wavelength, and is capable of destroying his opponent's souls with direct Soular attacks, provided he can touch them. He can further use this power to create binds using his opponent's own soul, locking them onto walls or their own weapons. His ultimate technique is to bind his opponent's body from the inside, preventing all movement. However, in order to do that he needs to enter a state of constant concentration, preventing him from moving anything faster than a snail's pace. Soular attacks are capable of killing anything with a Soul, including most 'immortal' beings, but are useless against robots or particular types of undead. [Soul Sight] In addition to his physical senses, Stein is capable of sensing souls anywhere within a kilometer of his position. This sense is independent of his physical senses, and very informative. He can tell what your emotions are, to what degree you're insane, and even basic thoughts. It's impossible to ambush or hide from him, and he usually uses this to predict attacks before they happen. [Patchwork Body] Stein's body has been altered and rebuilt, stitched together from his favorite pieces. The parts of many of the previous characters of HCL have been interred into this body, including Aono Tsukune. This makes it incredibly sturdy, as well as giving Stein immense physical capabilities. His senses are also superhuman, the best of every animal. His muscles are directly linked to his soul, forgoing the need for a nervous system. Without destroying the brain, it's impossible to kill Stein. [Madness Resonance] Stein resonates the madness that festers within him. Simply being near him will eat away at your sanity, and when he focuses this effect onto you, the effects are felt quite rapidly. The weak of mind will be stabbing their neighbours within days, and even the strongest minds will crumble eventually. Only those without emotions or without souls are immune. Furthermore, Stein can control insanity, manipulating their delusions to serve whatever purpose he wishes. Insanity caused by Stein is usually temporary, although the experiences can cause lasting trauma individual of Stein's powers. [God-Killer Resonance] Stein's ultimate technique. The greatest culmination of Soular Manipulation, and Stein's finishing move. Stein can enter a state of immense power by causing the souls of the body parts he's attached to himself to resonate with him, multiplying the power of his Soular attacks, as well as his physical strength. HeroKiller Resonance multiplies his power by 10. God-Killer Resonance multiplies his power by 100. In this state any physical attacks will usually destroy his body. [b]Equipment:[/b] [Kurotane] A black scalpel cursed by a God of Death. Any wounds inflicted by this blade are permanent, they cannot be healed by any magic until the blade is destroyed. Stein is also capable of releasing the curse on the wound, as long as he is the owner of this blade. [Shirotane] A white scalpel forged from the souls of Stein's victims. This blade doesn't cut flesh, but it cuts directly into your soul. This allows it to harm even beings such as fire elementals. Using this blade, Stein can perform Soul Surgery, allowing him to mess with a being's conceptual identity. This is usually used to break magical targetting systems, or resonance-based weapons. [Mizutane] A scalpel originally created by Mia, but now wielded by her father to complement his set. This blade contains hundreds of spirits of plague, each embodying a different disease. When Stein cuts someone with this blade, the spirit fills them, and they're instantly infected. This disease will then affect them at approximately 20x the normal rate. It usually takes an hour or so for this to kill, but long before then the effects can be felt. Stein controls what disease is used.