A disconcerting mixture of empty black space and green code fill your vision. The blocky numbers of codes and data fly past you, making a twisting tunnel with no clear direction. There's a weird humming sound and you feel completely numb. The pin-and-needles kind of numb. Like your body is vanishing around your brain. And then... ...everything goes black. When you open your eye(s), you're laying in a field of tall, green grass. You sit up and instinctively you know something is very very wrong. You sit up. This wasn't were you were last, in fact you don't know where you are and you don't recognize anyone around you. You're powers and memories are intact but everything has changed and you know you need to get home. Basically, this Roleplay is a mash-up of characters from whatever video game you want. Pick a character from any video game and become that person. Together, as a group, we will find our way to wherever it is we belong. Just note that some video game characters may be rejected for a lack of background and personality. Playing as the old man who gives Link his sword in LoZ or a nameless avatar won't be allowed because they have no substance. Also try to limit how many of you come from the same game. I don't want this turning into a Mario game cause both Mario and Bowser are present. Other then that just have fun. It's crazy, but I was curious as to what would happen with this little idea. Please forgive me if it is too farfetched.