Outside of the building Jason was gathering his thoughts, or better said, he just finished with that. The teen leans against the door, muttering "Why did I even accept?" and the like to himself. The brief moment outside did them good, though, as when Jason returned he seemed a lot more calm and collected. Good timing, too, as Phil was just leading everyone to the next room. Phil then- Oh fuckin' shit they have to fight. The youngest elemental was NOT expecting this at all, stumbling back a bit. Luckily his figurine wasn't too fast, it seemingly walking over to the boy. The first punch came from the humanoid which Jason barely managed to duck from, when a kick to the face sent him straight to the floor. His eyes widened as the lightspawn tried to stomp it's foot onto him, only for the shadow elemental to quickly roll away and get up. Okay, these guys seem to be brawlers. Unfortunatly the boy didn't have a lot of time to process that thought before another punch came out, aimed for his stomach. Jason's reflexes kicked in, one hand blocking the fist coming out and then giving a forceful shove to it's body to knock it farther away. He can't fight this thing 1x1 fairly, it's got too much muscle compared to himself... Jason quickly thought of a way to utilize his element, Dark, to manipulate the fight to be more favorable however. When the spawn tried another attack, Jason did something stupid and tried to got THROUGH it, miraculously, it worked. Great, he was on the other side, now to turn around and- The light body had already kicked the boy back to the ground, from behind. Goddamnit, it was fast! Jason also felt that one pretty rough, as he bumped his head on the pavement. They managed to get up again, barely, and started formulating a plan. If he can't use his powers defensively, he'll just have to use it in some other way... Dodging most of the kicks and punches, Jason thought of a... Really stupid plan. In RPGs shadows could sometimes be used to create a temporary object, like a blade! Going on this knowledge the boy, amazingly, was able to latch onto his own shadow and mold it into his hand. Creating a spike of some sort, Jason forcefully rammed it down the spawn's chest, giving it a good right hook and then kicking it to the ground. Once on there the assault didn't let up, grabbing the spike before it fell alongside the little opponent and using it to pierce the other's... Non-existant skull. This blow seemed to made it vanish, the boy letting a-out a huge sight of relief... His relief also quickly got replaced by a headache, the aftermath of that cranium blow he got TWICE now manifesting itself. "Uuuugh... Dude, what's the big Idea?! I nearly got a concussion with what y-" Then something, not literally this time, hit the boy. "...Holy shit I just used my shadow as a weapon."