| Identity | Nicole Esperanza Diaz – Jinx | Origin & Backstory | Raised through a cruel foster care system in the United States, Nicole barely remembers her full name let alone the origins of her powers and for the bulk of her life it was generally pretty miserable. Eventually ending up in a foster home that wasn’t completely cold-hearted, Nicole found herself to have a home at age ten. When her foster family found themselves in danger, Jinx who had been hiding her powers in fear used them to protect the family which ultimately saved their lives. However, believing their “daughter” to be the spawn of the devil they cast her out and shamed her causing her to run away. It wasn’t long before a woman thereafter approached Nicole with the promise of surrounding Nicole with similarly aged youths with problems that society would not ever accept—not really. Jinx joined up with this “Queen Bee” and ended up becoming part of H.I.V.E. which is where her confidence began to bloom as she was assigned to The Fearsome Five project in no time. With the Five she met youths much like Queen Bee had described—an imbalanced jokester who could teleport, an eccentric technopath, a hulking teenager with a big brother complex, and a rebellious girl who could transmute the elements. While this team of “misfit toys” began training and small-time missions they would form an unlikely kinship that would boost all of them to new heights. Eventually Nicole comes into a nickname among the group after she discovers her connection to magic can affect probability—this nickname is Jinx. At nearly fourteen, Jinx and the Fearsome Fiver are re-located by Queen Bee to the United States—a place that held few pleasant memories for herself but in the H.I.V.E. had done her no wrong so the young girl felt it was unnecessary to complain, after-all they had given her everything she ever wanted. Assigned as Team Leader, Jinx looks to the future with a gleam of playfulness and duty but doesn’t understand the role that Queen Bee desires her and her friends to play. | Character Notes | Unless any other players take up the established Fearsome Five (or Queen Bee herself) then I’m pretty much going to run Jinx to move forward the plot involving them and if I get the ball going on the formation of a young heroes group than they’ll have somebody to play with (aka: fight). But otherwise, no, unlike Batman I don’t have this huge NPC library set up or anything like that. | Powers & Abilities | Probability Manipulation: Jinx's body produces mystical energy which she can use for a variety of effects. Among these is the ability to affect probability fields around specific objects. For example, through an act of will, Jinx can cause electrical systems to malfunction. Jinx's sorcery also enables her to affect the elements. Energy Projection: Primarily though, Jinx uses her power to produce bursts of concussive mystical energy. She can hurl this energy either as a blast, or as a pink wave/hex, which she uses to knock her opponents off their feet. | How is this character different? | I guess you could consider this variation of Jinx a bit of a medium that borrows from the cartoon version most of us are no doubt familiar with and the comics’ incarnation. However, there is something that is going to be a lot more apparent with Jinx in this go; while she is sympathetic and not evil at the core in the center of her character there lies a frightened and neurotic youth who has nowhere to really go so she finds comfort among her “comrades” within HIVE’s Fearsome Five program. | What is your goal with this character? | I’ve wanted to run Jinx since the first version of UDC on the guild came up (as an NPC) but I never really figured out what I wanted to do with her and I ended up getting stuck in a co-op post that admittedly was In Character but felt a little obtuse being a part of. | Sample Post | “You won’t win Titans, we’re better than you.” “Well, there are more of us.” The two voices came at each other like clashing blades of opposing samurai in the cloudy afternoon at Gotham Harbor. The appearance of the Fearsome Five had put all trade on complete stand-by and with The Dark Knight overseas he wasn’t exactly able to respond. The Titans, a group formed of likeminded heroes was the best thing they had right now so here they were: Robin, Starfire, Changeling, Batgirl, Cyborg, and Raven. Normally Robin would be correct in this, but today Jinx had an ace under her sleeve – a sixth member. With the snap of her hands came the appearance of a girl dressed in black with a similar complexion to that of Raven. “…what now, boy blunder?” “…so can you even call yourself the Fearsome Five anymore? Isn’t it more like the Fearsome Five plus One or something now?” “Shut it!” Robin smirked as he pushed forward and met contact with—Ambush Bug?! “Mind if I cut in?!” The energetic H.I.V.E. member exclaimed as he jumped literally into the fray. Jinx found herself equally as surprised as Robin as the sidekick to Batman spoke up. “A little, yeah!” “Too bad, birdman! Let’s wing it!” Robin’s eyes narrowed as Ambush Bug went head-to-head with him and if there was something about this member of the Five that he hated it was the fact that he really couldn’t follow his movements—he was chaotic and spontaneous in his movements, it was difficult to think ahead of somebody who probably wasn’t think at all and today Bug was certainly being competent which was… a first. “What’s green and so uptight?” Robin didn’t dignify it with an answer as the other members started to go at it: Jinx on Starfire, Gizmo on Cyborg, Changeling on Mammoth, Batgirl on Shimmer, Raven on the new girl. This went on for minutes and minutes before something was said that couldn’t be unsaid. Ambush bug had dodged Robin by teleporting behind him and what he said had just made Changeling stop and nearly die laughing. “SUPER ANAL ATTACK NO JUTSU!” Jinx simply raised a brow at her teammate as he kicked Robin in his rear as hard as the slightly insane teenager could muster and even she thought it was pretty funny.