[@phobos] The horrid luck of turning out wrong in the end after seeing how the fight between the two pairs ended. A nervous look on his face at knowing he lost the bet, which meant a spar and he really didn't feel up to making himself look like even more of an idiot than he already had today. Taito wracked his mind on how to dissuade kamon to spar, though from the look of the guy it seemed likely. It was at that moment that the captain suddenly skidded to a halt before them. Surprise registered on his face from the random appearance only to find that they were given a generic mission instead of having to spar and at that moment he couldn't help but smile wide.[color=a187be]'Y-yes captain![/color]'This was just what he needed to get out of sparring and considering it was a low type mission as he wasn't much of a fighter really and more of a strategist.