Two weeks, two weeks of traveling throughout a tundra after his body numbing race up a frigid mountain against the gigantic mountain goat, Havardr. He still hated the cold, and this wasn't making his appreciation for it grow any faster than before. In fact, it accelerated his disdain for the crippling cold all the more great. It licked at his healed, but still pained arm, but did little to sap the energy he had nestled within him. He had passed out after his run, and awoke to a healed body - probably his father, judging by the pain he still felt - and a whispering message in his head. [I]'We need to talk.'[/i] Kei'taro contemplated disregarding the message but decided against it, why not see what the old man had to say. But that meant going to Pikatok, and by extension, through her. She guarded the closest gate. So here he was, a six foot three, solidly built Beast King, trekking across the tundra to a village that offered boat rides from one side of the water to the other. Sigh. He gathered into a brisk jog, feeling he was near the Ukitani Village of the Ice People. As he arrived, he took stock of his surroundings. The village was for all intents and purposes gone. Why? The Ukitani people were a migratory race of ice masters, and they often traveled. In other words, Kei'taro had come to the wrong spot. He headed westward, and after thirty minutes, he began to hear the tell-tale sounds of Penguins. Emperor Penguins. He hadn't closed too much when the creatures noticed him, and one rushed off. Peculiar. He walked towards the penguins, acknowledging them as he passed until he saw the giant floe, and something remarkable. What could only be the Emperor, er, Emperor Penguin, rose high on the floe in a throne. His tattoos brightened and then dimmed. A key. He hoped across the small gap that separated land from floe, and was stopped by the informant Penguin. He gazed around and noticed the marshalled and lined penguins. [color=82ca9d][color=39b54a][I]'Who wishes to see the lord of the Southern Floes, and master of the frigid Key?'[/i][/color][/color] Kei'taro looked down at the speaker, and then back to the throne riding Emperor. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Kei'taro, the Hunter of Bestial Keys, and simple traveler. I come here, as if by accident. I was looking for the Ukitani to commission a boat, but Fate has conspired to bring me to you, instead, mi'lord. If you are the master of the frigid Key, then it is you who I have ultimately come to see."[/b][/color] He tipped his hat, then looked towards the penguin once more. What sort of challenge would this creature of the cold bring. Perhaps something peaceful. Of course, capturing this key would lead to something much more dangerous. If ancient texts held, the Penguin key, as many others, being captured released stronger versions in some instances. In this case, the Polar Bear would be allowed to roam free.