[center][h2][color=#577e17][b]Kara, Lady of the Mystic[/b][/color][/h2] [hr] [h3][color=#577e17][b]Dominion:[/b][/color][/h3] Mysticism, Foresight, and Sculpture [h3][color=#577e17][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][/h3] [hider=The Lady Kara][img]http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/SirVesuvius/rsz_diablopct20iiipct20sorceress_zps2zi17x5j.jpg[/img][/hider] Outwardly, Kara appears little more than a fine looking, mature woman taller than average height, even for males. One who assumes this would be incorrect in their assumption. Flowing black hair, retaining a sheen no matter what has happened, is usually half pulled up behind her while the rest hangs loose around her shoulders. Cold eyes stare out of a pale face, lips painted a permanent red. Her clothing is as ornate as her station, usually a red-and-gold fabric arranged into a regal manner, the exact positioning reliant on her mood. A permanent feature is the crown on her head, an item of bronze that she never parts with. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/h3] Strong of will, keen of mind, and impetuous of nature, Kara does not always bear herself as one would expect a god to carry themselves. Sometimes indulging in childlike pleasures, she rushes to and fro, involving herself in many of the matters of her nation, frequently walking among her subjects as any other person would. Often she insists that others treat her not as a god but simply a mother, there to talk to and depend on. As such, she detests those who would rule by fear and impersonal means, viewing them as not worth of commanding a nation in any means. When protecting those under her, she is merciless in nature except when mercy would hold more strategic value. Each life she claims sees another blood-red mark upon her staff or crown, and the myriad dots attest to her skill as a combatant. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Powers:[/b][/color][/h3] As Lady of Mysticism and Foresight, Kara can utilize various magical abilities that enhance her skills tremendously. Blessed with the powers of divination, she is able to trace the paths of the future before they happen, revealing to her the plethora of possibilities that can happen as well which are most likely, although nothing is certain. This allows her to react to events and actions before the user knows they would even embark upon such a course, although this can lead to unintended consequences not expected in the paths of fate. It is this skill that allows her to guide her nation with efficacy, as well as enabling her to succeed in battle. In addition, she sports more traditional magical abilities, chief among them shields of magic which are at once both aesthetically pleasing and useful. Various combat abilities exist, though they are mainly simple spells such as elemental bolts of energy or rudimentary healing. As one of her domains is sculpture, bodyguards of stone or bronze frequently accompany her. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Magic Items:[/b][/color][/h3] The Staff of Palas- An ancient staff of power, it amplifies her powers greatly, as well as having an enchanted blade at the tip able to tear through most materials with ease. The Bronze Crown- A symbol of her power, Kara utilizes the Bronze Crown to phase in out and out of substance, enabling her to pass through mundane objects unaffected and some magical items. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Mortality:[/b][/color][/h3] Kara's physical body is that of a normal human, able to be damaged easily. It is her spirit, however, that endures, for she is a lich, with a phylactery hidden deep within the nation. When she is killed, the crown and staff return to the phylactery after dissolving into dust. Only by destroying the phylactery can she be truly destroyed. [/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=#577e17][b]AFfaraqid[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [h3][color=#577e17][b]Terrain:[/b][/color][/h3] Affaraqid is a land of deserts and plains, though sand is the predominant feature. Settlements are few and far between, centered around massive oases that provide the life blood of the desert. As one progresses inwards, the rolling plains give way to the desert, a burning land that kills the unwary. At the center of this desert lies The Mountains, a small chain of mountains that holds a large portion of Affaraqid's population. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Wildlife:[/b][/color][/h3] Few animals live in the desert regions, most being dangerous in some manner, whether it be venom, claws, teeth, or simple brute strength. The plains hold most of the wildlife, mainly nomadic grazing creatures and other such herbivores, along with small and medium sized predators. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Species:[/b][/color][/h3] Affaraqid is a land of pure humans, all non-human sentient species having been driven out long ago. The humans of Affarqid are usually thinner in frame than other humans, with skin of a bronze color, although their wiry strength and agile muscles enable them to compete with larger peoples. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Culture(s):[/b][/color][/h3] The Affaraqid's are a simple people on the outside, complex underneath, and exultant in their lives. Each person enters life in shade and ends in it, a representation of the deshrouding of the eyes at birth and the shrouding of life at death. A rather peaceful culture, they nevertheless support a military of substantial size that doubles as guards for caravans and emissaries to other nations. Sports are held in high regard and keep the Affarqid people fit. Combined with the harsh conditions of their homeland, Affaraqid's are humans sturdy in spirit and body. Much of their food is spiced with the natural herbs and plants that grow in the plains and desert, including the oft-desired pepper. Architecture is simple, square buildings and open areas that serve to relieve the heat of the day when inside. [h3][color=#577e17][b]Capital:[/b][/color][/h3] Morath, City of Bronze [h3][color=#577e17][b]Important Individuals:[/b][/color][/h3] Sarik the Younger, Kara's regent in Affaraqid Sarik the Elder, Commandant of the Armies Ferulag Hassan, Lord Mystic Amira Derush, Farseer of Affaraqid