Having heard the words spoken by the man, Pongo hopped down from the ice throne, his majestic waddle carried with it all the regal pomp that defied the otherwise humorous sight. [color=00aeef]“Hmm. Key seeker you are?”[/color] Pongo murmured as he made his way around the human called Kei’taro, eyeballing the questing man. [color=00aeef]“You have keys already. Why do you need the frigid key? Do you know what the key unlocks?"[/color] Stopping in front of Kei’Taro, Pongo looked up at him with a wizened and knowing gaze. [color=00aeef]“Young you are. This I can see. I also see you are fatigued. Are you sure you are ready for the test for this key?”[/color] Kei’taro would surly notice that the ice floe had become a deep aqua-marine color, and that the temperature had dropped down subtly. Nothing drastic, but very noticeable, every breath the human took from this point forward would be accompanied by condensation of breathe. [color=00aeef]“Regardless if you are ready or not, you have come here, requesting the challenge of the key. Thus I am obligated to test your worthiness to possess the key.”[/color] Cocking an eye at Kei’taro he contimued, [color=00aeef]“Can you swim? I hope so because your challenge is simple. Look.”[/color] With that Pongo swept his right wing towards a vast floe of ice nearly a mile away. [color=00aeef]“That is the Grand Floe. We shall swim to it. It is a mile away. Half way to the floe is a spot of warm water. At that point we shall dive down nearly 600 feet to obtain a squid from around the vents that push warm water and air into the sea. You must capture a single squid and replace the warming stone with one from the vents. Swim to the surface and onward to the floe.” [/color] Pongo turned around and stared at the seas, [color=00aeef]“Of course it is not as simple as that you know. There are enemies of the Pengu in the water as well. You must avoid them; the Leopard seals shall see you as an enemy, striving to remove the squid from your grasp. There is also a pod of Orcas somewhere out there; they will also work to hinder you as they will try to hinder me.” [/color] Turning back to Kei’taro, Pongo pointed towards a small glowing stone beside the ice throne, [color=00aeef]“That is a warming stone. Place it on your tongue; it shall help keep your body temperature stable. But remember you must find another at the vent at the middle point or you shall freeze in the waters. Do you understand?”[/color] Waiting a moment longer, Pongo said solemnly,[color=00aeef] “When you are ready, you can begin the race by picking up the stone.”[/color]