Penelope found it a tad odd how he wavered slightly. Usually the thief was quick to force his company onto her without so much as a second thought. Which was in some way understandable when he would otherwise be stuck with William. It made her wonder how bit of a difference there was between how she looked now rather than before. To her, th only thing that felt different was that she was in a dress rather than armor. The knight shrugged to herself and remained quiet during the conversation with the two. She found herself feeling a bit embarassed by Their words though only rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Ah," Penelope blinked as William now directed his attention to her. "I'm fine with it. I think I'm beginning to become immune to such annoyances." she told him with a small smirk. That wasn't quite true. While he annoyed her at times, the thief's company was overall enjoyable to the knight but with the older knight around there was no way she could admit to it. Especially with how Crow was acting around her at the moment. William gave a small nod. "Alright. I'll leave him to you then." he agreed before turning and walking off. Once he had gone, Penelope cleared her throat and began to look around. "So where are you dragging me to day, hmm?" she questioned in a teasing manner.