It's great to be here. [hr] [Hider=The Ghost of The Batman][B]| Name: |[/B] [INDENT]Enrique Isaiah Esteban Alonso[/INDENT] [B]| Alias: |[/B] [INDENT]The Ghost of The Batman[/INDENT] [B]| Age: |[/B] [INDENT]25[/INDENT] [B]| Appearance: |[/B] [INDENT][IMG][/IMG] Enrique has characteristically dark, curly hair and peach toned skin. He has a thin face that comes to a pointed chin. His brown eyes are small, seeming to take up no space at all. Right beneath them are his high cheekbones, just above his pointed nose, shaped like an arrowhead. In general he wears white T-shirts and khaki pants. [/INDENT] [B]| Abilities/Skills: |[/B] [INDENT]Enrique is very strong and physically fit. He is also agile and quick on his feet. These come from needing them to survive. With a choice between fight or flight, he will usually choose flight. Living in the dangerous superprison, he has learned to run away very effectively, climbing gates and ignoring deterrents like barbed wire. In time, these skills could be reversed to make him effective at pursuit on foot as well as combat. But at the moment, he is a clumsy fighter, which adds to the vicious cycle of growing more skilled at escape. He has a very gifted intelligence and great degree of creativity, which are both often underestimated because of racial prejudice. He has a superb attention to detail which he's used to set up several elaborate shows, pretending to be the spirit of the long dead Batman through use of rigged microphones and recordings, preset traps, and smoke pellets. He has no general supplies besides regular tools (Utility Knife, Screwdrivers, Wire Strippers, etc.). Additionally, he's used dummies and disguised mannequins to present a warped version of the Batman's silhouette.[/INDENT] [B]| Backstory: |[/B] [INDENT]Enrique Isaiah Esteban Alonso was the son of Miguel Esteban Cortez & Maria Alonso Guerrero, a Mexican couple who'd illegally immigrated to the United States in the first place. Unlike anyone seeking a better life, they'd come seeking fantastic amounts of money through dealings with drug traffickers. They went as far as Louisiana before the world changed forever. His parents ended up working in Jokerland, becoming only shells of their former selves. Thirteen years into the new world they had a daughter named Maria. Twelve years later they were surprised to have a son, Enrique. Seven years after Enrique was born, his sister was beaten savagely and sold to Pandemonium for reasons unshared. This left a deep emotional scar on Enrique, who felt hopeless and lonely. For years he had a fear of the Joker, before it festered into hatred. He was made braver when one of his friends told him a story. All throughout the shantytowns of Jokerland, legends of The Batman, a mysterious beast who'd always defeated the Joker were whispered in private. Enrique knew next to nothing of the Batman, but he found something spectacular. When his parents visited Towers Fall, taking him along, he found something in the dirt. It was a batarang. Rusty, bent, and completely misshapen. But it was proof to Enrique that hope still existed. When they returned to Louisiana, Enrique was a new person. He set up several points around his region, using old car stereos and an old mp3 player to create an audible illusion that they were surrounded by an unreasonably fast observer. He'd stenciled out several batarangs and thrown them. He even set a few explosions with gasoline and lighters connected to strings. With some effort, and the proper setting, he convinced the local that the Southern tip of Jokerland was haunted by The Ghost of Batman. He did not do this often or on the spot. He'd always ambushed Harlequins or set a scene to play out while he was hiding. They were small scale enough to avoid scrutiny, but public enough to make a splash. He'd often chosen to interrupt beatings, abuse of authority, or other instances of injustice. Realizing that he could make a difference, he overestimated himself and openly insulted The Joker before being beaten and shipped to Pandemonium. But, in the time since he's been imprisoned, nine years, he's been trying to find his sister by networking. Given the setting, he's been laying low, while still occasionally performing and creating the illusion of The Bat's Ghost. Despite his showmanship, his job is blue collar as can be, making bricks.[/INDENT] [B]| Sample Post: |[/B] [INDENT]Fifty years ago in Northern Mexico, one particular water fountain had been refreshing to the people. A two foot tall ceramic wall wound around a pristine pool filled with countless coins that glittered beneath the water's surface. In it's center a beautiful carving of a marble mermaid smiled at passersby. Fifty years later the temperature was twice as hot as it had been previously. The mermaid had been disfigured long ago. Instead of water, the fountain spat flaming oil skyward, sometimes a stray wind would carry it to an unsuspecting laborer while anyone who helped him was forced to share in his suffering. Just outside the fountain, a taskmaster was howling at his workers to convince them to carry on in their work, making bricks out of mud. The fountain's heat was used to cook the bricks, hardening them. This was where Enrique worked every day. "Alonso, time could shape the bricks faster than you," the overseer prodded. "I'd say these bricks must take a year, because you're weak!" "Yes sir," he said, dragging his fingers down the sides of the nearest square of mud. He picked it up and rushed it over to the outdoor 'oven' before kicking his previous blocks away with the bottom of his shoe. When he got back, he set them to cool on a rack, picking them up using a glove shared with other workers. While by the rack, he stole an extra moment to lay a red and black wire beneath the bricks and away from the heat. Slowly but surely, he'd been piecing together a surround sound system surrounding his workplace.[/INDENT] [B]| Notes: |[/B] [INDENT]Despite the impersonation of Batman's ghost, I don't mean for this character to be an outright Bat-like, at least in the usual sense. I don't intend for him to dress up as The Bat anytime soon, but I figured that something like this could probably happen without being a problem. In a very direct sense, he could be useful to the party for distractions. I'm an A&W Root Beer guzzler who prefers that brand over virtually all other sodas.[/INDENT][/Hider]