A monumental wave burst over the beach of America's East Coast, spitting a blonde haired ruler onto the dry space he'd originally called home. Resolutely, he marched across the shore, trident in hand. His orange upper garment reflected it's tangerine glimmer onto everything he passed. He'd actually come to Metropolis a great many times throughout his life. In this state of emergency, the king of the seas found it much more imperative that he arrive in a timely manner, and so he did. By foot, by cab, and by unguarded motorcycle he made his way through the danger zone. He followed the trail of destruction until he was face to face with the mightiest individuals he could've come upon. Gotham's Dark Knight, Metropolis's Man of Tomorrow and a stunning brunette with metals as polished as his own were but a sample of his contemporaries. [Color=Orange]"Hello. I see you are all in the middle of something, but I beg that any of you assist me in my endeavor to protect my people, the residents of Atlantis."[/Color]