[hider=wip-magical character] [B]| Name: |[/B] James, Jaredson [B]| Alias: |[/B] Wrath [B]| Age: |[/B] 21 [B]| Appearance: |[/B] As it is he is two forms trapped in one, a fiery butterfly trapped in an earthly cocoon. Tall for his age and well built, his skin is constantly the red of someone freshly sunburnt and his hair is black and long like a Native American which match his eyes of blotted out jet. He wears scavenged firemans clothing in any city for its fire resistance and durability, seeming to be fit enough to bear the weight with ease. With such scavenging often comes a fireman's ax or bill hook to defend himself with. [B]| Abilities/Skills: |[/B] Lets call homo-magi just for ease and call him a pyromancer for effect. In truth he is decended from Trigon, but his blood is so thin over the decades to be laughable in comparison. All he is left with is a temper and an infernal heritage. He can read from scrolls or cast ritualistic spells with time, knowledge and concentration. Sadly he lacks time, knowledge and concentration. His main power is his pyrokinesis/pyromancy which grows in strength with his temper, the one thing he has in spades. Where his father was the incarnation of wrath, a physically invulnerable and magically super-strong opponent. he is not, he is at the peak of the human condition but still highly mortal except for his invulnerability to heat. He has never tested the highest limits such as jet engines or lava, but it is sufficient for him to not fear his own power to hurt himself. [B]| Backstory: |[/B] [INDENT](Who are you? Where did you come from and how did you get thrown in prison.)[/INDENT] [B]| Sample Post: |[/B] "In you go, hot head." "You really think thats creative?" "No, the fact you are in a paper-mache' box over a pit of liquid nitrogen is pretty creative though." This left James to stare a the floor in wonder and fear if such a thing was true or a mere ruse for compliancy, he couldn't afford to test the theory, yet. [B]| Notes: |[/B] Flaming shots of fireball whiskey! [/hider]