Penelope shrugged at his answer. "Fine." she replied. The knight didn't bother to press on the topic and instead followed the thief rather quietly. Her gaze wandered around the village. To her, there wasn't much to see but she had enough sense to understand why he wanted to look around. The knight grinned a little out of amusement as the thief returned to his regular self. "Back to the normal routine.." she muttered rolling her eyes as he grabbed her hand and lead her towards the building. However, this time felt a bit different. She should have been used to the thief's touch but somehow his hand felt much more prominent than usual in hers. In fact... it even made her feel a bit nervous... Or perhaps it was anxious? Penelope shook her head to rid herself of the confusing thoughts. Looking back ahead, she read the name of the tavern she was being dragged to. She eyed it with a hint of curiousity, entering the building shortly after Crow. It was different than any tavern she had been to but that was merely due to the poverty this particular area. It seemed run down and almost a bit eerie to the knight. It wasn't long before she had the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. It seemed that a couple men there had already began to eye her with slight interest upon her entrance. Penelope shifted uneasily. She wasn't used to such attention or looks. As a knight, she rarely recieved such and was more familiar with a hateful look.