[i][quote=@Redward] Oh, wow! I didn't expect so many people to drop in like this! Welcome, everyone, and thank you! I'm really looking forward to this~ Now, enough gushing. I have work to do. I'm going to begin fleshing out orders within the Irriss. If anyone has suggestions or wants to throw some ideas out there; feel free to PM me, or start a discussion right up in here. ... Also, [@Bunnita], I agree completely about skipping awkward introductions/group building. For the sake of fluidity and ease, I think it'd be best to have this group have functioned together for some time; having completed several assignments and the like as a unit. [/quote][/i] Kk. Soooo like how much influence do we have in this world? Like what I'm asking is like are our charries famous for slaying monster x and taking their treasure horde, rescuing town y and getting a huuuuge reward, and clearing out and looting dungeon x!! Like should we be established and wealthy then? Oh! And like how many charries can we play? But kk. thinking that the bunny wants to play a mage type^^ Shadeweaver!