[center][h1][color=DodgerBlue]John Kingston[/color][/h1][/center] John was shocked by the construct's speed. He'd barely gotten ready before it had launched itself at him, swinging furiously. He rolled away unscathed before launching his own attack. He swung a punch into the construct's jaw, knocking it around, then sent a kick straight to the center of it's back. He then brought up his hand. Water began swirling around, hovering above his palm. The water swirled into a large sphere before John leveled his hand at the construct which had just gotten back up. His hand twitched and the sphere became a jet of water that shot at the construct, slamming it into a wall. The construct slumped to the ground and disintegrated. John ran a hand through his hair and smiled, happy to see that he was one of the first to finish.