[h3]Iyo[/h3] [@Remipa Awesome] Iyo hiccuped again, gosh the booze is really kicking him deep. He felt something and saw...who is it again....hun...han...huen... hun...ter? Maybe, he turned to the guy still trying to remember who he was, it was all a fuzzy mess. What was the guy asking about? Home... he though hard but it was again a fuzzy blur. "hw-o...m..mmee....n...ne...aar....cwo-o...we..in-ce... st-o...re...." That all he can remember at the moment, he stood up but but dizziness he fell onto of Hunter. He looked like he was about to hurl, he felt heavy and man he really had to use the bathroom or else...well another embarrassment of the night. Iyo couldn't stand up still and clung tightly on Hunter's shirt. "Bwa....t...h...th...rw..oo...om..m-m..." Groaning out tiredly he wasn't having the best night ever. [h3]Penn[/h3] Penn wanted to sleep, as much as he wanted to...well he usually doenst like to sleep but after the events well he needed the rest. Everytime he closed his eyes he takes back to the vent when he was eight. It would always scare him and he would hide even though nothing was going to get him. The memory of the past was his nightmare and its hard to forget it. Once he closed his eye he dreamed out that memory...that night... where he was going down the cellar with the key he found in a small chest, opening the door revealed a nightmare to him and he would almost take part of it. The struggle and as the hands were about to get him he woke up but in such panic that he fell from the top bunk. "Ggaaahh!!!' He shouted as he landed hard on the carpet floor and face first. He groaned out in pain as he slowly got up but sat on the floor. No sleeping tonight...to much memories...nightmares...its since though he can last at least three days of no sleep so he can be fine for a while. He sighed and didn't bother to go back up. Nightmares...