okay i threw up a basic god template because i am liking the interest that is rolling in here look at it, start planning your god, and later on i will post the thread (technically i could very easily do that right now, since i have no intention of doing much more than copying and pasting the op for the ooc, but i am a firm believer that there is a proper order to these things) and a reminder that i'm not just going to grab the first couple entries and go "you're in." i'm not super-super strict, but for something like this you need a good mix of personalities and powers so i will first and foremost be choosing participants with an eye toward balance (so you'll have a way way better chance of getting in if you make a character of an archetyoe or domain that hasn't been used yet. nobody wants to live in a universe ruled by five trickster gods, two incomprehensible semi-mathematical concept cthulhu gods, and one overworked god of order) [hider=God Template] [b]Name:[/b] The obvious [b]Domain:[/b] Your god's chosen domain, the concepts over which you rule. Gods may have multiple domains, such as a god of the ocean and trade, and more domains may become added to your god as the rp goes on. [b]Personality:[/b] Just a basic outline to help us get to know your god. I won't hold you to this, but it's good to know what we're all getting into before we start. [b]Appearance:[/b] Gods typically have more than one appearance, as there are plenty out there that enjoy taking on mortal disguises for their own purposes. Gods may appear differently to mortals than to their fellow god-kin, so you may want to make a note of that as well. [b]Symbols:[/b] Gods often find themselves associated with materials, shapes, even colors. As with domain, gods can acquire new symbolism as the rp goes on. [b]Trivia:[/b] Anything else that's important about your god. Relationships with other gods for example, or a resume of escapades from past universes, etc. Whatever you'd like here, really. [/hider]