I just realized that only Aurus knows about the CENTAURS CENTAURS CENTAURS. So, uh. Flavour text. [hider=Centaur Lore]The noble Centaurs of the Stomping Isles. They were known for being fierce warriors, unstoppable onslaughts of death and war. They used to be conquerors, nomads, even warlords. That time had passed long before the Necromancer's rule. The Centaurs follow the queen, and her Matriarch tribe. For the longest time, their leading tribe were the Brae-Wardens. They were the conquerers. They expanded the empire from their small island into the continent. They were unstoppable; all would crumble under the rule of the Centaurs. One day, all of the Centaurs simply withdrew from the continents. It was a strange occurrence. The unstoppable riders of war suddenly withdrawing. What happened before the withdrawal was a 10 year civil war between the previous tribe, the Brae-Wardens, and the current tribe, the Landkeeps. After years and years of fighting, the Landkeeps came out on top, and they seized control. The ways of war were gone, and so the Centaurs went into hiding. Hundreds of years later, the peaceful Centaurs' islands were invaded by the dead. With them, they brought pestilence and a necromancer. The necromancer had cast something on the island. It removed what little magic they had. Their kind was cursed. The Centaurs were doomed. After months of trying to survive, the Centaurs finally decided on their final moments. They would send out 10 healthy Centaurs to the continent, and then they would use the natural magic fonts on the isles, and they tore it asunder. The entire island was destroyed. Nothing remained except for the 10 Centaurs, who escaped to the continent.[/hider]