[hider=WIP][hr] [B]| Name: |[/B] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| Alias: |[/B] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| Age: |[/B] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| Appearance: |[/B] [INDENT][img][/img] [/INDENT] [B]| Abilities/Skills: |[/B] [INDENT](Are you a human with some street skills, a meta with any one of a wide range of abilities or a homo-magi who has managed to learn a few rudimentary spells.)[/INDENT] [B]| Backstory: |[/B] [INDENT](Who are you? Where did you come from and how did you get thrown in prison.)[/INDENT] [B]| Sample Post: |[/B] [INDENT](Be sure to show off your character's personality here and maybe some of their abilities. If you need an idea for this post, why not cover the day you were imprisoned.)[/INDENT] [B]| Notes: |[/B] [INDENT](Anything else you wish to add. *wink wink*)[/INDENT][/hider]