As he winkd at her, Penelope rolled her eyes. "Ah yes, the ever complex mystery that is Crow continues." she muttered sarcastically with a very faint smirk. It was then that Evelyn approached the table. She glanced briefly at the woman but remained quiet as Crow would be the one ordering. He dragged her here afterall. However, she became a bit more curious about the woman as it seemed Crow knew her. At the older woman's teasing, the knight looked a tad annoyed but more embarassed then anything, quickly looking away at such accusations. Once Evelyn had left, Penelope recovered slightly and looked back over at Crow again."Now you know how I feel on a daily basis." she teased. Despite having been put into a rather unwanted position by the older woman, there was something about her that Penelope couldn't help but admire slightly. "Though, if you keep up that terrible lying, we'll have a whole kingdom confusing us as some sort of thing..." Penelope added giving him a criticizing look. "Couldn't come up with anything better than acquaintances huh?"