[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/whitewolf/images/b/b1/LogoBloodlineToreadorAntitribu.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20140102051432&format=webp[/img] [i]“"They gorged on the right, but were hungry, and they devoured on the left, but were not satisfied; they devoured the flesh of their own Kindred...” [/i] [h3]Alexander Pascal[/h3] 29 (44) [url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Toreador_(VTM)#Toreador_antitribu]Toreador (Antitribu)[/url] Celerity (2), Presence (1) [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/164/7/9/looking_out_by_neb8neb.jpg[/img] Alexander Pascal, formerly Nicholas Martin, had been part of the 'Free Love' movement when it had risen. He'd taken part in his fair share of drugs, as was the way of life. It was easy to say he hadn't ever expected the Embrace when it arrived. She had been beautiful. Beyond anything he'd seen before. The night of his Embrace had started as a simple party, a cocktail of drugs and alcohol had clouded everyone's vision. In between the crowd of lucid bodies had been [url=http://data1.whicdn.com/images/29936142/large.jpg]Her[/url]. Nicholas spotted her eyes first, liquid and hungry. She smiled and began to glide, stepping between people with indifference. She stopped before him and pressed cold lips against his. Nicholas didn't notice, his mind was already foggy, trance-like. Together they danced, ignored by the rest of the world around them. She kissed and danced before tracing the curve between his shoulder and neck. Nicholas didn't really react to the pain, his mind still clutched whatever hallucinogen he had been taking that night; however as time went on, his fingers grew numb, his toes tingled and the world began to spin more so than it already was. He focused on the music, expecting this all to be a bad 'trip'. He could feel the bass thundering through his own chest and vibrating through the women in front of him, who at this point he was grateful was still holding him. His legs felt weak and the faintest sense of mortality crept into his mind. The women seemed to kiss her wrist, and in his state, he hadn't understood why. She pressed her lips against his again, her tongue slipping into his mouth as before. Yet this time it felt good, well better than before. Whatever substance she had given him seemed to cause some sort of ripple through his whole body. Despite the lack of strength he seemed to have, Nicholas, pulled her close and took whatever she was giving him as if it had been the single best drug he'd ever taken. The world span even more now but Nicholas couldn't stop. Soon he felt a strange feeling brewing in his stomach, a sort of madness, a hunger he couldn't quite understand. Nicholas felt confused, and alone for a moment. He opened his eyes and looked about the crowd of people before turning his attention back to the women before him. Her piercing blue eyes haunted him and Nicholas couldn't comprehend his anger towards her. Yet his impulses kicked in and he lurched forwards, taking in the woman's shoulder as she had done to him. He bit hard, only taking in his newly found innate urges. He needed whatever it was she'd given him before. In a desperate and sudden struggle, he got exactly what he was hunting for. It was a downward spiral from there, easily one that would control his very life for the years to come. He didn't give the women her Final Death, but he saw very little of her when she finally decided she was done with him. Nicholas performed the same act on another Kindred later in his new life, to the point of their Final Death; something he considered the highlight so far. He performed it twice more before leaving the coast and heading inland with an entirely new name as despite the pleasure, the acts he's performed were criminal in his world. To indulge in his mostly-illegal addiction, Alex has embraced a large number of new kindred, although all have been with the sole purpose of consuming himself. He became aware of what he appeared to Auspex users some decades ago, and with such news, he chose to drift, avoiding the Camarilla primarily out of fear until settling within the wider Sabbatt community of XXXXX. [/center]