[@Caits]I'm sorry if whatever I did caused any trouble, but everything that I did was state my character's actions saying that she would go to sleep by the night and then stating the thing that she'll do first in the morning because I was trying to save RL time. She was already a couple hours into the night and had nothing better to do, so sleeping is the best option what I did didn't affect anyone else then the people partying up with me and I didn't intend to move a milimeter without my full party, so the only thing I may do is wait 'till next day like I'm already doing. Anyway, the matter of who's on what time is already very chaotic, so unless you wanna do a timed event (which you should have warned first) I don't see the point of standing for hours without an end on the same tavern and not going to sleep. However if I really was inconvenient, I apologize.